2014年8月19日 星期二



在最近一篇名為我有價值$10,000.00的鞋子卻不能穿,這裡有個很明顯的跡象顯示穿著所有種類鞋子可能帶來足部永久傷害,非僅只於高跟鞋,作者 Alison Freer首先解釋因位她的腳痛導致她不能穿著任何一雙屬於她自己的鞋子,並且說到︰「不是因為我穿著爛鞋子,而是所有鞋子都是爛鞋子。」


身兼足科醫生及North West Foot & Ankle in Portland, regon states 創辦者Dr. Ray McClanahan說到︰「不幸的大部分美國鞋子鞋頭的椎度是從蹠趾關節而非自然狀況下腳型寬度最寬的腳趾末端。」



點這看所有Allison Freer的文章

Are all shoes damaging to the feet?
Posted on February 3, 2014 by bunion news

In a recent article in XOJane, titled, “I Have $10,000.00 Worth of Shoes I Can’t Wear “, there is significant evidence that shows feet sustain permanent damage from all types of shoes, not just high heels. Author, Alison Freer begins by explaining how she is not able to wear any of her shoes due to excruciating foot pain. “I currently can’t wear almost any of my shoes due to my hurting feet. And it’s all because I wore shoes. And not because I wore particularly bad shoes — it’s because ALL SHOES ARE BAD SHOES! ”
Read that again. Every single pair of shoes you own is likely deforming your foot. Permanently. And there’s only so much you can do to prevent it — short of joining a society that doesn’t wear shoes. As Dr. Ray McClanahan, podiatrist and founder of North West Foot & Ankle in Portland, Oregon states: “Unfortunately, the taper of the toe boxes on most footwear available in America begins at the metatarsophalangeal joints, instead of at the ends of the toes, where the natural forefoot shape is at its widest. Growing up without shoes keeps the shoe from pushing the great toe against the second toe, which is unnatural. The fifth toe is correspondingly not forced into the space occupied by the fourth toe, in the unshod state.”
In other words, most shoes available for purchase these days are too narrow in the toe and cram your toes together unnaturally, causing them to overlap — and painful bunions to start forming. “”If you wish to prevent or cure a bunion or hammertoe deformity naturally, you must be willing to view your footwear as health equipment, rather than as fashion statements.” For mild to moderate bunions, most podiatrists prescribe the only doctor recommended bunion splint, Bunion Aid. It is the only bunion splint that is scientifically proven to effectively correct bunions.
Click here to read all of Allison Freer’s article

2014年8月18日 星期一


熱門流行歌手Jessica Simpson 過去在懷孕期間曾穿著特高高跟鞋,步伐蹣跚行走,此時她的肚子內有著她和足球選手未婚夫Eric Johnson's的小孩,的確,她也許看起來是個很吸引人的母親,但是由於她的習慣,似乎很難擺脫姆趾囊腫的困擾。

她最近告訴US Weekly,她計畫生出她的小孩,我在我懷孕期間將很有可能穿著4吋聖羅蘭的高跟鞋,然而我昨天去見過醫生,醫生跟我說你必須要擺脫這些高跟鞋,那時的我有如:「不好意思,我正在運送這些高跟鞋」。

有鑑於高跟鞋無法很配合帶有踩踏的運送桌使用,在懷孕期間穿著高跟鞋一定是個壞主意,根據WhatToExpect.com,懷孕的女人體內有種賀爾蒙relaxin,能讓關節軟化,韌帶以及肌肉準備好以便於生產,這種賀爾蒙主要是幫助骨盆有足夠的彈性讓一個有如小西瓜大小的寶寶能順利通過,這荷爾蒙也同樣的影響我們其他的部位,這意味著我們的結締組織比平常還要脆弱,加上額外的胚胎重量,羊膜液體,胎盤,你的足部受到更多額外的壓力,這時你才明瞭在懷孕期間穿著高跟鞋是如此的不明智,這就是我們先前討論的Jessica Simpson她做的事。

但是歌手不是唯一被目睹在懷孕期間穿著高跟鞋的人,Beyonce最近被目擊到穿著一些誇張高的高跟鞋,以及你所熟知的維多利亞的秘密名模Miranda Kerr也是如此,此外Penelope Cruz、Rod Stewart也大多如此。

當我們回到主題,我們能聊聊神秘懷孕的美髮師Rachel Zoe,她似乎沒有凸出來的腹部,我不知道我該極度還是懷疑她根本沒有懷孕,不過我會壓抑我七嘴八舌的慾望。


Jessica Simpson is just asking for bunions

Posted on November 21, 2011
Pop singer Jessica Simpson has been hobbling around town wearing sky-high Yves Saint Laurent heels while pregnant with her football player fiance Eric Johnson's baby. Sure, Jess may look like one hot mama, but she's really tempting fate on the bunion front with her shoe habits.
Simpson recently told US Weekly that she plans to give birth in pumps.
"I'm probably going to deliver my baby in these [four-inch YSL heels]," she said, quoted by the news source. "I went to the doctor yesterday and he said, 'You're gonna need to get out of those heels!' I was like, 'Excuse me! I'll be delivering in these heels!"
On top of the fact that heels would never fit into the foot stirrups on the delivery table, wearing heels while pregnant is just a bad idea. According to WhatToExpect.com, pregnant women have a hormone in their bodies called relaxin, which softens the joints, ligaments and muscles in preparation for childbirth. While its main purpose is to make the pelvis flexible enough to have a small watermelon passed through it, the hormone affects other parts of the body as well.
This means that connective foot tissue is weaker than usual. Add to this the extra weight of a fetus, amniotic fluid and the placenta, and you've got a lot of stressors on the feet. So, you might be thinking that you'd need to be as dumb as a blonde to wear four-inch heels while expecting, right? Well, yes, you are right. This is Jessica Simpson we're talking about.
But the singer isn't the only celebrity to be caught wearing heels while pregnant. Beyonce was recently spotted in some ridiculously high wedge heels, and you know that Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr wasn't going without added height during her pregnancy. Penelope Cruz also wore heels before giving birth to her baby with hunky Javier Bardem, and former model Penny Lancaster was spotted towering over hubby Rod Stewart on the red carpet while pregnant.
While we're on the topic, can we talk about the mysterious pregnancy of stylist Rachel Zoe? The woman barely showed a bump. I don't know whether I should be jealous or start rumors of a fake pregnancy. For now, I'll suppress my catty urges.
At any rate, ladies who just can't keep their heels off for nine months may want to consider using bunion splints or orthotics in order to keep bunions at bay, and to save themselves from the dreaded bunion surgery.

Pop singer Jessica Simpson has been hobbling around town wearing sky-high Yves Saint Laurent heels while pregnant with her football player fiance Eric Johnson's baby. Sure, Jess may look like one hot mama, but she's really tempting fate on the bunion front with her shoe habits.

Simpson recently told US Weekly that she plans to give birth in pumps.

"I'm probably going to deliver my baby in these [four-inch YSL heels]," she said, quoted by the news source. "I went to the doctor yesterday and he said, 'You're gonna need to get out of those heels!' I was like, 'Excuse me! I'll be delivering in these heels!"

On top of the fact that heels would never fit into the foot stirrups on the delivery table, wearing heels while pregnant is just a bad idea. According to WhatToExpect.com, pregnant women have a hormone in their bodies called relaxin, which softens the joints, ligaments and muscles in preparation for childbirth. While its main purpose is to make the pelvis flexible enough to have a small watermelon passed through it, the hormone affects other parts of the body as well.

This means that connective foot tissue is weaker than usual. Add to this the extra weight of a fetus, amniotic fluid and the placenta, and you've got a lot of stressors on the feet. So, you might be thinking that you'd need to be as dumb as a blonde to wear four-inch heels while expecting, right? Well, yes, you are right. This is Jessica Simpson we're talking about.

But the singer isn't the only celebrity to be caught wearing heels while pregnant. Beyonce was recently spotted in some ridiculously high wedge heels, and you know that Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr wasn't going without added height during her pregnancy. Penelope Cruz also wore heels before giving birth to her baby with hunky Javier Bardem, and former model Penny Lancaster was spotted towering over hubby Rod Stewart on the red carpet while pregnant.

While we're on the topic, can we talk about the mysterious pregnancy of stylist Rachel Zoe? The woman barely showed a bump. I don't know whether I should be jealous or start rumors of a fake pregnancy. For now, I'll suppress my catty urges.

At any rate, ladies who just can't keep their heels off for nine months may want to consider using bunion splints or orthotics in order to keep bunions at bay, and to save themselves from the dreaded bunion surgery.

2014年8月17日 星期日





如往常一樣,在你小酌完之後,喝些水是極為重要的,三到五品脫是屬於正常的水量攝取,根據The Daily Mail,對於一個如同我喜歡喝幾杯水的女士來說,應該有足夠的攝取量能讓我的生體機能維持正常,有足夠的養分到達我的姆趾外翻。




Cheers! It turns out red wine is good for your bunion

Posted on November 2, 2012
It's no secret that I enjoy a little vino every once and awhile. Heck, me and my girlfriends count on it every weekend. After my second – or, let's be honest – third glass of red wine last night, I realized that mybunion pain miraculously disappeared. As it turns out, there is a whole scientific explanation behind this boozy pain relief.
There are these chemicals in red wine called polyphenols that are known to reduce inflammation. These naturally-occurring nutrients trigger a reaction that can spell relief for your toesies and other achy joints like ankles and knees. This is gonna make my weekends a lot more fun, that is for sure. Knowing that my favorite beverage also relieves my bunion pain? This is almost too good to be true.
As always, it is important plenty of water when you are tipping back the glass. Approximately three to five pints a day are usually good for normal hydration, according to The Daily Mail. For a lady like me who typically enjoys to put back at least a glass or two should probably up that number to make sure that a steady flow of nutrients is making its way to my bunion.
Arthritis is normal for broads like me, since it is a common trigger for bunion pain, but working off that glass of red wine with a jog or some yoga the next day is probably a good idea for your bunion too. According to HealthWorld, obesity can put even more strain on your feet. Since the toes are weight-bearing joints, it is important to hit the treadmill or roll out the mat after a night of drinking with the ladies. Too much alcohol can create excess belly fat (and who wants that?), so leading an active lifestyle is important in keeping a bunion at bay.
To all those white wine lovers out there looking to ease their arthritic bunion pain – you may want to switch to red. It turns out the skins of the grapes contain those antioxidants that make your bunion happy, and those are only found in the red varieties. As if this news can't get any better, I also found out that dark chocolate also contains this miracle nutrient. Pinch me, I must be dreaming.
I didn't need another reason to uncork that bottle of Merlot this evening, but now that I know that my feet are going to be happier because of it, it's all the more reason to eat, drink and be merry. Cheers to you and better relief for your bunions!

2014年8月16日 星期六

高跟鞋背後隱藏的心理學,以及這對妳的姆指外翻的意義又是?(英翻中文章僅供 分享)



一個來自於Tucson Weekly的專欄作家也提出了同樣的議題他舉了Carrie Bradshaw為例(來自於慾望城市這受人歡迎的節目)以及Victoria Beckham(也是姆指外翻的病友)為例,為何女性持續虧待自己,讓自己穿那些難走,且可能導致傷害的鞋子,她接著說這些角色也許會誘惑女人們『加入』這種俱樂部,這種俱樂部的人至少要穿著4英吋的blahnik高跟鞋


,雖然長久以來,穿著高跟鞋被視為一種吸引男性的做法,然而卻有別種觀點,女性在職場上競爭時,會利用穿著高跟鞋來展示自己的權利及抱負,鞋子製造商當然也知道這個道理,在紐約市的Macy's flagship store最近展開一場largest shoe floor on earth的活動,裡面提供超過二十八萬雙鞋子,大多數是高跟鞋





The psychology behind high heels – and what it means for your bunion

Posted on November 14, 2012
I personally have never understood the love affair that women have with sky-high shoes. Have heels ever gone down in height? I guess flats made a comeback for a hot minute, but honestly, I simply cannot go shopping anymore without seeing the heels rise further and further into the stratosphere. Sure, they make your legs and butt look good, but is there something more psychological behind female obsession with stilettos?
Personal or business?
A columnist from the Tucson Weekly recently addressed the same issue, using Carrie Bradshaw from the popular "Sex and the City" show and Victoria Beckham – my fellow bunion sufferer – as examples of why women continually totter around in shoes that are not only hard to walk in, but may cause injury. She went on to explain that these characters may entice women to join a "club" where you have to have at least a 4-inch Blahnik to join. However, most women understand that movie stars and the shoes they wear are not practical for day-to-day routine. So why do ladies continue to festishize over high heels?
According to article, women in the workplace looking to break through the glass ceiling are often to blame – how counterproductive does that seem? Show off your mental prowess by amping up your leg appeal? The source reported that although it has been long thought that these shoes were created to attract men, many women in competition for jobs will wear high heels as an unofficial symbol of power and ambition. Shoe companies know this too – according to the source, Macy's flagship store in New York City recently unveiled the "largest shoe floor on earth," with more than 280,000 pairs of shoes, most of them heels – all of this done under a recession-fueled budget. Why? Women think heels will not only make them look good, they will also get them ahead in the business world. Apparently height matters to women as well – being literally on the same level as their male counterparts provides a "leg up," so to speak.
Who needs 'em?
I'm here to say this: Ladies, the long-term damage that these sexy shoes will do to your feet is not worth any man or supposed career climb. Everything from back pain to bunion surgery can be in your future if you continue these unhealthy trends. Just look at all these growing numbers of women in CEO positions … do you think they are tottering around in heels? I don't think so! Using your smarts to get ahead in business is always a better move than putting your feet through torture.

2014年8月15日 星期五







彎下你的身軀,做個Facing dog的姿勢吧


我發現一些瑜珈的姿勢對我姆指外翻是極為有效的,照這些方法,你能讓姆指外翻了解,你才是老大,有些基礎的姿勢能推薦給你包括:warrior, tadasana, vrkasana and utkatasana(希望你會發這些音)

Hit the gym, ladies: Exercise is good for your bunion!

Posted on December 7, 2012
This may not be the best news to some of you ladies out there who are planning on indulging this holiday season, there are plenty of reasons to get back on that treadmill, and that includes your bunion pain. Overeating and not exercising won't just make your joints beg for mercy, healthy nutrition and moderate exercise are the best ways to keep looking young, fresh and energized!
Lace up your sneakers
Based on information from the Harvard Medical School (I believe they know a thing or two about health), self-help measures are some of the best ways to make bony bumps a little less irritating. You've heard me warn about the perils of high heels before, but there is a shoe that could spell relief for your bunion pain – your trusty pair of tennis shoes.
Although exercise is important, not everyone likes to slave away on the elliptical machine. Although this may work for some of you gals out there, I am getting too old to be jogging away on a piece of cardio equipment (not a pretty sight). However, that doesn't mean that I don't make time for fitness. Not only is aging gracefully one of my main goals (fingers crossed), staying active and flexible is one of the best ways to keep my irritating bunion off of my mind. So what is a girl to do about losing weight with a bunion?
Get down with your 'Downward Facing Dog'
I am painfully aware that bunion pain occurs within the bones of the feet. However, taking advice from theLivestrong Foundation, yoga has become my exercise of choice. It's important to know that yoga isn't a quick fix or a cure all – but it can become quite useful for slowing down the growing out of those annoyingbunions. An added bonus? Yoga can also help promote your mobility and keep you looking lean (what girl wouldn't want that?).
Some of the poses I have found that work best for my bunion include standing with my feet planted firmly on the ground with my toes spread and somewhat gripping the yoga mat. The bunion bone turns inward, so standing positions with the direct opposition of its growth are the best poses to show that bunion who is boss. Some of the poses that the foundation recommended include: warrior, tadasana, vrkasana and utkatasana (good luck with pronouncing some of those).

2014年8月14日 星期四

運動選手或許有美好體態,但是他們腳部卻不是你想像的(英翻中文章分享僅供參 考)





前網球好手Justin Gimelstob曾說:『我總是說,一個最好分辨身邊的人是否真的如此愛你的方法就是當他看見你腳部的樣子時,他仍然願意跟你在一起,因為沒有一個網球選手希望別人看到他襪子底下的腳部狀況。』








In the midst of the U.S. Open, the New York Times ran an article about the bunioned and blistered feet of tennis' beautiful stars. The problem extends far beyond tennis players, affecting many who dance and run, as well as those who give their all playing soccer, basketball, baseball and hockey.

The broken, bruised toenails, sprained ankles, fallen arches, bunions and stress fractures are surely a pain, but for those who are passionate about their sport, it's all for the love of the game.

The Times article described one U.S. Open star as having feet that "resemble fresh hamburger" by the time a match is finished.

“I’ve always said the best way a tennis player knows his significant other really loves him is if that person sees his feet and still stays with him,” said former tennis player Justin Gimelstob, quoted by the news source. “No tennis player wants to reveal what’s under those socks.”

Moreover, it seems as though the problem is getting worse. A 1991 U.S. Open finalist told the Times that athletes today move faster, which means harder stopping and more stress on the feet and ankles. This, combined with imbalanced biomechanics, is the kind of motion that often leads to bunions or hammer toe.

Ballet dancers experience the foot conditions as a result of pointe and the shoes that are required for such gravity-defying acts. Runners who pronate or wear improper footwear are prone to bunions and hammer toe due to a lack of support and repeated motion that puts stress on the metatarsal bone. Other sports players experience similar issues relating to landing mechanics and footwear.

So what is an athlete to do? Well, bunion surgery is not a great option. The British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society reports that the operation often results in a stiff big toe, which may only be a slight drawback to the normal person but can severely affect performance for a dancer or athlete. Additionally, a National Institutes of Health study revealed that the best course of action for people who play sports is conservative treatment. However, when the big toe becomes incongruous with the metatarsal bone, bunion surgery may be the only option.

As a result, athletes who develop bunions or hammer toe – or those at risk of the bony deformity – should invest in bunion splints or orthotics, which have been known to prevent or correct the foot conditions without the need for bunion surgery. Additionally, the devices have been shown to help feet heal properly following a bunion operation.

2014年8月13日 星期三



能從腳痛的位置及可能的引發因素去縮去探求腳痛的起因,根據Cary Copeland, DPM, director of University of Cincinnati Health Podiatry services所言︰「腳部疼痛並非尋常,人們卻常常忽略此情況並且接受他的存在,尤其在孩童身上更是如此,正常人要能夠站著一段時間,不論是穿著人字拖或是平底鞋而不感到疼痛。」








Foot pain could indicate a deeper problem

Posted on July 14, 2013
As people break out the strappy sandals and flip-flops for the summer season, many are also preparing for the foot pain that is associated with a more active lifestyle and less supportive footwear. Pain in the foot can be due to a problem in any part of the foot. Bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, fascia, toenail beds, nerves, blood vessels, orskin can be the source of foot pain. The cause of foot pain can be narrowed down by location and by considering some of the most common causes of foot pain.
According to Cary Copeland, DPM, director of University of Cincinnati Health Podiatry services, “Foot pain is not normal, and people often accept it—even children,” he says. “People should be able to stand for hours at time—even wearing flip-flops or other flat shoes—without experiencing pain. It’s important to realize that if you cannot, there might be an underlying problem.”
Copeland says that if a child complains of foot pain, it isn’t normal, and that down the road, if not properly addressed, it could lead to hip, knee and lower back pain later in life.
“When you’re enjoying the day at Kings Island and notice that your child needs to sit down every half an hour, there may be other issues,” he says, adding that undiagnosed tightness in the calf muscle can lead to premature knee and hip pain and affect muscles and joints throughout the lower half of the body and lower back. “There are a number of issues that can be caused by an imbalance in the lower extremities, which people may often ignore and compensate in ways that harm other parts of their body.
“When you go to the ophthalmologist and the different strengths of lenses are put in front of you, it’s easy to see that your eyesight improves; however, with lower extremity imbalances, a person is not as aware that there is a problem.”
Oftentimes, children are told that they are experiencing “growing pains,” which do in fact happen during growth periods. However, Copeland says, this can occur as a result of overcompensation, which could lead to premature arthritis in the knees, hips and lower back and a specialist might be needed.
“It’s important to catch these problems earlier in life and remedy them to avoid arthritis or other joint and foot pain—including bunions, corns and hammertoes—later in life,” he says. “People often think these issues are genetic but it is the biomechanical imbalances that may be passed from parent to child, and if caught early, common foot pathologies can be avoided.
“Enjoy your flip-flops and sandals, but for the best health and an overall good quality of life, take care of any foot pain you may have.”