2014年8月2日 星期六


美國脫口秀女王歐普拉有姆趾外翻的困擾對大眾來說不是一個祕密,她在她的主持節目和他的醫療專家Dr. Oz討論這些議題,在她的網站上還有專們區塊有關姆趾外翻的問與答。


先前,在O雜誌上,專家Valerie Monroe建議讀者把接受姆趾外翻手術當做最後的選項,他並且提到保守的方法是在接受手術前先嘗試矯正器的輔助。


然而,我卻對阿爾法矯形器有所了解,她曾在2010年3月嘗試利用阿爾法矯形器去治療以及減緩她足部的變形,Gaby Federal一位阿爾法矯形器的總裁,再聽聞到有節目主持人正在籌備慶祝O雜誌十周年的活動時,她寄了一組姆趾外翻的纏帶給歐普拉,並且寫了一封信建議她可以每日穿戴半小時。

我們不知道歐普拉是否接受這意義深遠的建議,但是假如她接受此建議,她將會在StyleBistro bloggers.有個好的回歸。


Oprah still won’t accept Bunion Aid intervention

Posted on October 4, 2011
It's no secret that America's favorite talk show queen has some serious bunions. She's talked about them on her show with her in-house medical expert Dr. Oz, and bunion Q&As are featured prominently in the health section of her website.

When the October issue of O Magazine was released, her fans and bunion sympathizers may have done a double take at the sight of her seemingly slim feet gracefully wearing a pair of glittery gold peep-toe pumps. Did she get bunion surgery? Maybe, but probably not. Bloggers on StyleBistro quickly accused Oprah of airbrushing out her bunions, as the television personality has been known as a notorious photoshopper.

"They even retouched her feet to make them look like those of a foot model while her real feet look almost deformed with crooked bunion toes!" according to the blog. StyleBistro commented on the cover after Rosie O'Donnell expressed dismay over looking like the heftier one in the photo.

Previously, in O Magazine, expert Valerie Monroe advised readers to choose bunion surgery only as a last resort option. She said that conservative methods, like using orthotic devices, should be tried before going under the knife.

So, what exactly happened to Oprah's bunions? We may sooner find the remains of Jimmy Hoffa, as O's public relations team tends to be pretty tight-lipped.

However, I do know this much: Alpha Orthotics tried to intervene and save Oprah from her bony deformities in March, 2010. After hearing about a walk the television host was planning in celebration of the 10th anniversary of her magazine, Gaby Federal, president of Alpha Orthotics, mailed her a Bunion Aid splint and a letter advising Oprah to wear the device for a half hour each day during the month leading up to the Live Your Best Life Walk.

We don't know if Oprah ever took the well-meaning advice, but had she done so, she'd have a good comeback for the StyleBistro bloggers.

Here's one more plea to everyone's favorite daytime host: Oprah, we know you are a busy, busy lady and while you likely have the funds for bunion surgery, you probably can't spare the healing time. The Bunion Aid features an award-winning hinged design to allow you a certain degree of mobility while you correct those bunions. Perhaps if you do, you will one day be able to parade your bare feet in front of the paparazzi and proclaim, "I am bunion-free!"

