2014年8月19日 星期二



在最近一篇名為我有價值$10,000.00的鞋子卻不能穿,這裡有個很明顯的跡象顯示穿著所有種類鞋子可能帶來足部永久傷害,非僅只於高跟鞋,作者 Alison Freer首先解釋因位她的腳痛導致她不能穿著任何一雙屬於她自己的鞋子,並且說到︰「不是因為我穿著爛鞋子,而是所有鞋子都是爛鞋子。」


身兼足科醫生及North West Foot & Ankle in Portland, regon states 創辦者Dr. Ray McClanahan說到︰「不幸的大部分美國鞋子鞋頭的椎度是從蹠趾關節而非自然狀況下腳型寬度最寬的腳趾末端。」



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Are all shoes damaging to the feet?
Posted on February 3, 2014 by bunion news

In a recent article in XOJane, titled, “I Have $10,000.00 Worth of Shoes I Can’t Wear “, there is significant evidence that shows feet sustain permanent damage from all types of shoes, not just high heels. Author, Alison Freer begins by explaining how she is not able to wear any of her shoes due to excruciating foot pain. “I currently can’t wear almost any of my shoes due to my hurting feet. And it’s all because I wore shoes. And not because I wore particularly bad shoes — it’s because ALL SHOES ARE BAD SHOES! ”
Read that again. Every single pair of shoes you own is likely deforming your foot. Permanently. And there’s only so much you can do to prevent it — short of joining a society that doesn’t wear shoes. As Dr. Ray McClanahan, podiatrist and founder of North West Foot & Ankle in Portland, Oregon states: “Unfortunately, the taper of the toe boxes on most footwear available in America begins at the metatarsophalangeal joints, instead of at the ends of the toes, where the natural forefoot shape is at its widest. Growing up without shoes keeps the shoe from pushing the great toe against the second toe, which is unnatural. The fifth toe is correspondingly not forced into the space occupied by the fourth toe, in the unshod state.”
In other words, most shoes available for purchase these days are too narrow in the toe and cram your toes together unnaturally, causing them to overlap — and painful bunions to start forming. “”If you wish to prevent or cure a bunion or hammertoe deformity naturally, you must be willing to view your footwear as health equipment, rather than as fashion statements.” For mild to moderate bunions, most podiatrists prescribe the only doctor recommended bunion splint, Bunion Aid. It is the only bunion splint that is scientifically proven to effectively correct bunions.
Click here to read all of Allison Freer’s article

