2014年8月18日 星期一


熱門流行歌手Jessica Simpson 過去在懷孕期間曾穿著特高高跟鞋,步伐蹣跚行走,此時她的肚子內有著她和足球選手未婚夫Eric Johnson's的小孩,的確,她也許看起來是個很吸引人的母親,但是由於她的習慣,似乎很難擺脫姆趾囊腫的困擾。

她最近告訴US Weekly,她計畫生出她的小孩,我在我懷孕期間將很有可能穿著4吋聖羅蘭的高跟鞋,然而我昨天去見過醫生,醫生跟我說你必須要擺脫這些高跟鞋,那時的我有如:「不好意思,我正在運送這些高跟鞋」。

有鑑於高跟鞋無法很配合帶有踩踏的運送桌使用,在懷孕期間穿著高跟鞋一定是個壞主意,根據WhatToExpect.com,懷孕的女人體內有種賀爾蒙relaxin,能讓關節軟化,韌帶以及肌肉準備好以便於生產,這種賀爾蒙主要是幫助骨盆有足夠的彈性讓一個有如小西瓜大小的寶寶能順利通過,這荷爾蒙也同樣的影響我們其他的部位,這意味著我們的結締組織比平常還要脆弱,加上額外的胚胎重量,羊膜液體,胎盤,你的足部受到更多額外的壓力,這時你才明瞭在懷孕期間穿著高跟鞋是如此的不明智,這就是我們先前討論的Jessica Simpson她做的事。

但是歌手不是唯一被目睹在懷孕期間穿著高跟鞋的人,Beyonce最近被目擊到穿著一些誇張高的高跟鞋,以及你所熟知的維多利亞的秘密名模Miranda Kerr也是如此,此外Penelope Cruz、Rod Stewart也大多如此。

當我們回到主題,我們能聊聊神秘懷孕的美髮師Rachel Zoe,她似乎沒有凸出來的腹部,我不知道我該極度還是懷疑她根本沒有懷孕,不過我會壓抑我七嘴八舌的慾望。


Jessica Simpson is just asking for bunions

Posted on November 21, 2011
Pop singer Jessica Simpson has been hobbling around town wearing sky-high Yves Saint Laurent heels while pregnant with her football player fiance Eric Johnson's baby. Sure, Jess may look like one hot mama, but she's really tempting fate on the bunion front with her shoe habits.
Simpson recently told US Weekly that she plans to give birth in pumps.
"I'm probably going to deliver my baby in these [four-inch YSL heels]," she said, quoted by the news source. "I went to the doctor yesterday and he said, 'You're gonna need to get out of those heels!' I was like, 'Excuse me! I'll be delivering in these heels!"
On top of the fact that heels would never fit into the foot stirrups on the delivery table, wearing heels while pregnant is just a bad idea. According to WhatToExpect.com, pregnant women have a hormone in their bodies called relaxin, which softens the joints, ligaments and muscles in preparation for childbirth. While its main purpose is to make the pelvis flexible enough to have a small watermelon passed through it, the hormone affects other parts of the body as well.
This means that connective foot tissue is weaker than usual. Add to this the extra weight of a fetus, amniotic fluid and the placenta, and you've got a lot of stressors on the feet. So, you might be thinking that you'd need to be as dumb as a blonde to wear four-inch heels while expecting, right? Well, yes, you are right. This is Jessica Simpson we're talking about.
But the singer isn't the only celebrity to be caught wearing heels while pregnant. Beyonce was recently spotted in some ridiculously high wedge heels, and you know that Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr wasn't going without added height during her pregnancy. Penelope Cruz also wore heels before giving birth to her baby with hunky Javier Bardem, and former model Penny Lancaster was spotted towering over hubby Rod Stewart on the red carpet while pregnant.
While we're on the topic, can we talk about the mysterious pregnancy of stylist Rachel Zoe? The woman barely showed a bump. I don't know whether I should be jealous or start rumors of a fake pregnancy. For now, I'll suppress my catty urges.
At any rate, ladies who just can't keep their heels off for nine months may want to consider using bunion splints or orthotics in order to keep bunions at bay, and to save themselves from the dreaded bunion surgery.

Pop singer Jessica Simpson has been hobbling around town wearing sky-high Yves Saint Laurent heels while pregnant with her football player fiance Eric Johnson's baby. Sure, Jess may look like one hot mama, but she's really tempting fate on the bunion front with her shoe habits.

Simpson recently told US Weekly that she plans to give birth in pumps.

"I'm probably going to deliver my baby in these [four-inch YSL heels]," she said, quoted by the news source. "I went to the doctor yesterday and he said, 'You're gonna need to get out of those heels!' I was like, 'Excuse me! I'll be delivering in these heels!"

On top of the fact that heels would never fit into the foot stirrups on the delivery table, wearing heels while pregnant is just a bad idea. According to WhatToExpect.com, pregnant women have a hormone in their bodies called relaxin, which softens the joints, ligaments and muscles in preparation for childbirth. While its main purpose is to make the pelvis flexible enough to have a small watermelon passed through it, the hormone affects other parts of the body as well.

This means that connective foot tissue is weaker than usual. Add to this the extra weight of a fetus, amniotic fluid and the placenta, and you've got a lot of stressors on the feet. So, you might be thinking that you'd need to be as dumb as a blonde to wear four-inch heels while expecting, right? Well, yes, you are right. This is Jessica Simpson we're talking about.

But the singer isn't the only celebrity to be caught wearing heels while pregnant. Beyonce was recently spotted in some ridiculously high wedge heels, and you know that Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr wasn't going without added height during her pregnancy. Penelope Cruz also wore heels before giving birth to her baby with hunky Javier Bardem, and former model Penny Lancaster was spotted towering over hubby Rod Stewart on the red carpet while pregnant.

While we're on the topic, can we talk about the mysterious pregnancy of stylist Rachel Zoe? The woman barely showed a bump. I don't know whether I should be jealous or start rumors of a fake pregnancy. For now, I'll suppress my catty urges.

At any rate, ladies who just can't keep their heels off for nine months may want to consider using bunion splints or orthotics in order to keep bunions at bay, and to save themselves from the dreaded bunion surgery.

