2014年8月11日 星期一



星期五周末夜的確是電影夜,我最近觀看過一部名為called God Save My Shoes with my feet up and bunion splints strapped on的DVD紀錄片,這部影片主要去介紹一些對鞋子有愛好的狂熱者、設計師所擁有昂貴、或是可能引發姆趾指外翻的嗜好。


這部片子的導演Julie Benasra.說到︰「當我拍攝這部片子時,我不知道該從何下手,是從心理學、歷史學、或是性學的觀點去看待,現在我無法用以前的思維去看待這件事」
導演出訪到紐約、洛杉磯、巴黎、多倫多、米蘭以及佛羅倫斯去和那些有愛鞋成癡嗜好的時尚家、雜誌編輯、心理醫師、性學專家或是有戀鞋癮的人對話,這部紀錄片採訪了時尚歌手Fergie 及Kelly Rowland, 滑稽戲表演家Dita Von Teese a和許多設計師Christian Louboutin、Manolo Blahnik、Walter Steiger、Pierre Hardy、Bruno Frisoni and Robert Clergerie。

有趣。娛樂。誘惑集於一身,這部片子只會稍微把你的愛鞋癮剷除一些,如果你像我,就會直接殺去Zappos Piperlime。

Documentary explores the relationship between women and their shoes

Posted on January 18, 2012

Friday night is movie night for yours truly, and I recently had the pleasure of viewing a documentary called God Save My Shoes with my feet up and bunion splints strapped on. Now on DVD, the film features a number of footwear-obsessed celebrities and the designers that feed their expensive, bunion-inducing addictions.
The documentary delves much deeper into a woman's (or man's) relationship with shoes, touching on the mental, cultural and erotic significance held by a special pair of pumps or stilettos.
"When I started this film, little did I know I was actually going to explore the feminine condition, whether I looked at it from a psychological, historical or sexual angle. Now I just can’t slip into a shoe the same way I used to," said director Julie Benasra.
The directors traveled to New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Toronto, Milan and Florence to speak with people who have extreme shoe habits, fashion historians, magazine editors, psychologists, sex experts and people with shoe fetishes. The documentarians interviewed fashionable singers Fergie and Kelly Rowland, burlesque performer Dita Von Teese and designers Christian Louboutin, Manolo Blahnik, Walter Steiger, Pierre Hardy, Bruno Frisoni and Robert Clergerie.
God Save My Shoes also explores the role that footwear plays in popular culture, from Marilyn Monroe to Sex and the City, and gives a history of how high heels evolved from ancient times to the present.
The producers of the movie have teamed up with charity Soles4Souls, agreeing to donate $1 for each copy of DVD that is sold, which allows the nonprofit organization to provide a pair of shoes to an individual in need.
Interesting, entertaining and even titillating at moments, the documentary will do little good in helping you kick your addiction to high heels. If you're anything like me, you'll head straight to Zappos or Piperlime when you're finished to feed your habit.
Luckily, I have my Bunion Aid by Alpha Orthotics to keep my bony deformities in check while still enjoying the season's best in towering footwear. It doesn't hurt to slip a pair of orthotics inside each pair, either. These in-shoe devices add extra padding to soothe sore feet, as well as help distribute pressure on the foot evenly, which may help alleviate bunion pain.

