2014年8月4日 星期一

如何減少穿著高跟鞋帶來的傷害 (英翻中文章分享僅供參考)



























How to prevent foot problems caused by high heels

Posted on February 20, 2014 by bunion news

High-heeled shoes are thought to characterise femininity and beauty, making the wearer feel self-assured and elegant. But they also alter alignment of the feet, legs, and back, and can have long-term effects on posture and health. Feet suffer considerably inside high-heeled shoes. The higher the heel, the more the foot slides inside the shoe and the greater the pressure and friction under the heel, the ball of the foot, and the big toe.

Friction is damaging to the skin causing a burning sensation and blisters and, over time, it leads to the development of hard skin and corns. This stress can also cause deeper soft tissue problems in the foot, such as a neuroma (thickened nerve). As heel height increases, body weight shifts towards the inside border of the foot and under the big toe. Over time, this increased pressure on the big toe may cause it to be forced towards the second toe.

Damage to the big toe joint in the form of bunions (hallux valgus) has been associated with prolonged wearing of high-heeled shoes. And women who frequently wear high heels commonly have a larger forefoot area and a longer big toe. Some suggestions to reduce the harmful effects of high heels:

  • choose a shoe with moderate heel height, no higher than five centimetres, and a fastening over the instep;

  • wear high heels for short periods of time, and take a pair of flat shoes or runners to change into if you have to walk a long distance during the day;

  • choose a shoe with a wide heel base, or a wedge heel, to reduce the load under the front of your foot;

  • avoid running in high-heeled shoes as pressure under the foot increases considerably when running, even at low speed;

  • use a shoe insert to reduce pressure on the forefoot and heel;

  • do calf muscle stretching exercises every day to maintain ankle flexibility.




