2014年8月10日 星期日



原來那些長期遭受交通阻礙折磨的人,最後遭受的不僅是頭痛或是大發雷霆而以,根據澳洲的新聞報導,在主要都市,例如墨爾本或是雪梨,日漸繁忙的交通阻礙經常導致通勤族產生腳痛的問題,根據Herald Sun,一種被人所熟知的情況「clutch foot」經常發生於長時間踩住踏板,這種動作所造成的壓力或是重複性的動作會造成足部問題


24歲的Tianna Nadalin,據報導指出,她的腳趾頭會麻木,以及下背痛,因為她長時間通勤,她並且補充,即便她換了一個自動的變速桿,情況卻沒有多大的改善。


一位足科醫生告訴Herald Sun,「clutch foot」是長時間做重複性的動作所導致近似於網球肘的一種情形,

根據Amol Saxena, D.P.M., of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation指出,長期駕駛可能會導致足底筋膜炎,這也被稱之為足弓下塌,他並且在組織的網頁上表示這是因為末端的腳部組織沒有足夠的血液供給,所以它無法像別身體部位痊癒得如此迅速。

別讓「clutch foot」讓你不能在上路

The Herald Sun推薦你調整駕駛座的姿勢去提供你背部足夠的支撐,此外,新聞來源也建議民眾必須嘗試用整隻腳去踩踏踏板。

記住,他們並沒有說駕駛鞋是沒有實際效果的,因為這些鞋子是射寄去踩踏踏板,A roomy toe box這種鞋能提供足弓良好的支持,有了它,上路不再是問題。

A long commute may contribute to foot pain

Posted on June 25, 2012
It turns out that people who languish in traffic for hours each day may end up with more than a headache and road rage. Australian news sources are reporting that the increased traffic in the country's major cities of Melbourne and Sydney has led to foot pain for commuters.
According to the Herald Sun, a condition known as "clutch foot" occurs as a result of holding pedals down for extended periods of time. The tension and repetitive motion can lead to foot problems like numbness and cramps, as well as discomfort in the ankles, knees and hips.
Drivers testify about their pain
The news source spoke with 24-year-old Tianna Nadalin, who reported numbness in her toes and lower back pain as a result of sitting in traffic during her commute, and she said that switching from a stick shift to an automatic didn't help much.
"I used to get it in peak-hour traffic pressing the pedal in all the time, so when I bought a car I chose an automatic," Nadalin said, quoted by the news source. "And sometimes I still get it when I use the brake a lot, but there is nothing you can do about it."
A told the Herald Sun that clutch foot is similar to tennis elbow in that it results from repetitive motions done over a long period of time.
According to Amol Saxena, D.P.M., of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, driving can lead to plantar fasciitis, also known as fallen arches. He reported on the organization's website that this is because the tissue that runs on the bottom of the foot has low blood supply, so it doesn't heal as quickly as other parts of the body may.
Don't let clutch foot keep you off the road
The Herald Sun recommended altering the position of your driver's seat to provide better support for the back. Also, the news source suggested that people should attempt to use their whole foot to apply pressure to the pedal.
Remember that they don't call them driving shoes for nothing, as this kind of footwear is made especially for putting the pedal to the metal. A roomy toe box, good arch support and grips on the heel may help you hit the road sans foot pain.

