2014年8月9日 星期六




今年年初,位於墨爾本的La Trobe大學釋出了一個驚人的關於年長女性研究,科學團隊檢視了超過2800位的女性他們足部情況,並且統計出在百分之三十六的樣本數中,他們都有些許程度的拇趾外翻




領導整個研究團體的研究者說: 『從我們的研究結果發現,姆趾外翻會帶來極大的影響,他甚至會影響我們整體的生活品質』。







Yet another ill effect of aging: bunion and hammer toe

Posted on September 22, 2011
Don't us women have all the luck? As men age, they get distinguished gray hair, promotions at work and younger ladies still find them attractive. As women age, we get wrinkles, bunions and hammer toe.
Earlier this year, researchers at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia released a damning study for many aging women. The team of scientists examined the foot health of more than 2,800 individuals and found that 36 percent of them had some degree of hallux valgus, otherwise known as the dreaded bunion. Moreover, the bony deformity was found to occur most often in women and appeared to advance with age.
Lovely. Oh, and did I mention that the researchers also found that bunions can have a negative impact on an individual's quality of life? This happens when the big toe leans so far toward its smaller counterparts that it causes hammer toe: a condition characterized by toes taking on a claw-like formation. The two conditions combined can have a major impact on mobility, not to mention a woman's ability to wear pretty shoes.
"Our findings indicate that hallux valgus is a significant and disabling musculoskeletal condition that affects overall quality of life," said lead researcher. "Interventions to correct or slow the progression of the deformity offer patients beneficial outcomes beyond merely localized pain relief."
So, what are these interventions? Well, they range from non-invasive bunion splints or orthotics to the very painful, costly bunion surgery.
Bunion splints and orthotics work by ensuring proper distribution of pressure on the foot, which can take some of the stress off of the metatarsal joint. Additionally, splints hold the joint of the big toe in place, reversing the outward movement of the bunion. Orthotics can be especially helpful when it comes to treating hammer toe, since they can coax the baby toes into a straighter position.
What about bunion surgery, you ask? The operation is really only recommended for individuals who have severely hindered mobility as a result of their bunions. The procedure can sometimes result in an unsightly over-correction of bunions or recurrence of the deformity, and does nothing to treat hammer toe – that's a whole other surgery altogether. Additionally, as with all operations, patients risk infection and further pain.


