2014年8月19日 星期二



在最近一篇名為我有價值$10,000.00的鞋子卻不能穿,這裡有個很明顯的跡象顯示穿著所有種類鞋子可能帶來足部永久傷害,非僅只於高跟鞋,作者 Alison Freer首先解釋因位她的腳痛導致她不能穿著任何一雙屬於她自己的鞋子,並且說到︰「不是因為我穿著爛鞋子,而是所有鞋子都是爛鞋子。」


身兼足科醫生及North West Foot & Ankle in Portland, regon states 創辦者Dr. Ray McClanahan說到︰「不幸的大部分美國鞋子鞋頭的椎度是從蹠趾關節而非自然狀況下腳型寬度最寬的腳趾末端。」



點這看所有Allison Freer的文章

Are all shoes damaging to the feet?
Posted on February 3, 2014 by bunion news

In a recent article in XOJane, titled, “I Have $10,000.00 Worth of Shoes I Can’t Wear “, there is significant evidence that shows feet sustain permanent damage from all types of shoes, not just high heels. Author, Alison Freer begins by explaining how she is not able to wear any of her shoes due to excruciating foot pain. “I currently can’t wear almost any of my shoes due to my hurting feet. And it’s all because I wore shoes. And not because I wore particularly bad shoes — it’s because ALL SHOES ARE BAD SHOES! ”
Read that again. Every single pair of shoes you own is likely deforming your foot. Permanently. And there’s only so much you can do to prevent it — short of joining a society that doesn’t wear shoes. As Dr. Ray McClanahan, podiatrist and founder of North West Foot & Ankle in Portland, Oregon states: “Unfortunately, the taper of the toe boxes on most footwear available in America begins at the metatarsophalangeal joints, instead of at the ends of the toes, where the natural forefoot shape is at its widest. Growing up without shoes keeps the shoe from pushing the great toe against the second toe, which is unnatural. The fifth toe is correspondingly not forced into the space occupied by the fourth toe, in the unshod state.”
In other words, most shoes available for purchase these days are too narrow in the toe and cram your toes together unnaturally, causing them to overlap — and painful bunions to start forming. “”If you wish to prevent or cure a bunion or hammertoe deformity naturally, you must be willing to view your footwear as health equipment, rather than as fashion statements.” For mild to moderate bunions, most podiatrists prescribe the only doctor recommended bunion splint, Bunion Aid. It is the only bunion splint that is scientifically proven to effectively correct bunions.
Click here to read all of Allison Freer’s article

2014年8月18日 星期一


熱門流行歌手Jessica Simpson 過去在懷孕期間曾穿著特高高跟鞋,步伐蹣跚行走,此時她的肚子內有著她和足球選手未婚夫Eric Johnson's的小孩,的確,她也許看起來是個很吸引人的母親,但是由於她的習慣,似乎很難擺脫姆趾囊腫的困擾。

她最近告訴US Weekly,她計畫生出她的小孩,我在我懷孕期間將很有可能穿著4吋聖羅蘭的高跟鞋,然而我昨天去見過醫生,醫生跟我說你必須要擺脫這些高跟鞋,那時的我有如:「不好意思,我正在運送這些高跟鞋」。

有鑑於高跟鞋無法很配合帶有踩踏的運送桌使用,在懷孕期間穿著高跟鞋一定是個壞主意,根據WhatToExpect.com,懷孕的女人體內有種賀爾蒙relaxin,能讓關節軟化,韌帶以及肌肉準備好以便於生產,這種賀爾蒙主要是幫助骨盆有足夠的彈性讓一個有如小西瓜大小的寶寶能順利通過,這荷爾蒙也同樣的影響我們其他的部位,這意味著我們的結締組織比平常還要脆弱,加上額外的胚胎重量,羊膜液體,胎盤,你的足部受到更多額外的壓力,這時你才明瞭在懷孕期間穿著高跟鞋是如此的不明智,這就是我們先前討論的Jessica Simpson她做的事。

但是歌手不是唯一被目睹在懷孕期間穿著高跟鞋的人,Beyonce最近被目擊到穿著一些誇張高的高跟鞋,以及你所熟知的維多利亞的秘密名模Miranda Kerr也是如此,此外Penelope Cruz、Rod Stewart也大多如此。

當我們回到主題,我們能聊聊神秘懷孕的美髮師Rachel Zoe,她似乎沒有凸出來的腹部,我不知道我該極度還是懷疑她根本沒有懷孕,不過我會壓抑我七嘴八舌的慾望。


Jessica Simpson is just asking for bunions

Posted on November 21, 2011
Pop singer Jessica Simpson has been hobbling around town wearing sky-high Yves Saint Laurent heels while pregnant with her football player fiance Eric Johnson's baby. Sure, Jess may look like one hot mama, but she's really tempting fate on the bunion front with her shoe habits.
Simpson recently told US Weekly that she plans to give birth in pumps.
"I'm probably going to deliver my baby in these [four-inch YSL heels]," she said, quoted by the news source. "I went to the doctor yesterday and he said, 'You're gonna need to get out of those heels!' I was like, 'Excuse me! I'll be delivering in these heels!"
On top of the fact that heels would never fit into the foot stirrups on the delivery table, wearing heels while pregnant is just a bad idea. According to WhatToExpect.com, pregnant women have a hormone in their bodies called relaxin, which softens the joints, ligaments and muscles in preparation for childbirth. While its main purpose is to make the pelvis flexible enough to have a small watermelon passed through it, the hormone affects other parts of the body as well.
This means that connective foot tissue is weaker than usual. Add to this the extra weight of a fetus, amniotic fluid and the placenta, and you've got a lot of stressors on the feet. So, you might be thinking that you'd need to be as dumb as a blonde to wear four-inch heels while expecting, right? Well, yes, you are right. This is Jessica Simpson we're talking about.
But the singer isn't the only celebrity to be caught wearing heels while pregnant. Beyonce was recently spotted in some ridiculously high wedge heels, and you know that Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr wasn't going without added height during her pregnancy. Penelope Cruz also wore heels before giving birth to her baby with hunky Javier Bardem, and former model Penny Lancaster was spotted towering over hubby Rod Stewart on the red carpet while pregnant.
While we're on the topic, can we talk about the mysterious pregnancy of stylist Rachel Zoe? The woman barely showed a bump. I don't know whether I should be jealous or start rumors of a fake pregnancy. For now, I'll suppress my catty urges.
At any rate, ladies who just can't keep their heels off for nine months may want to consider using bunion splints or orthotics in order to keep bunions at bay, and to save themselves from the dreaded bunion surgery.

Pop singer Jessica Simpson has been hobbling around town wearing sky-high Yves Saint Laurent heels while pregnant with her football player fiance Eric Johnson's baby. Sure, Jess may look like one hot mama, but she's really tempting fate on the bunion front with her shoe habits.

Simpson recently told US Weekly that she plans to give birth in pumps.

"I'm probably going to deliver my baby in these [four-inch YSL heels]," she said, quoted by the news source. "I went to the doctor yesterday and he said, 'You're gonna need to get out of those heels!' I was like, 'Excuse me! I'll be delivering in these heels!"

On top of the fact that heels would never fit into the foot stirrups on the delivery table, wearing heels while pregnant is just a bad idea. According to WhatToExpect.com, pregnant women have a hormone in their bodies called relaxin, which softens the joints, ligaments and muscles in preparation for childbirth. While its main purpose is to make the pelvis flexible enough to have a small watermelon passed through it, the hormone affects other parts of the body as well.

This means that connective foot tissue is weaker than usual. Add to this the extra weight of a fetus, amniotic fluid and the placenta, and you've got a lot of stressors on the feet. So, you might be thinking that you'd need to be as dumb as a blonde to wear four-inch heels while expecting, right? Well, yes, you are right. This is Jessica Simpson we're talking about.

But the singer isn't the only celebrity to be caught wearing heels while pregnant. Beyonce was recently spotted in some ridiculously high wedge heels, and you know that Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr wasn't going without added height during her pregnancy. Penelope Cruz also wore heels before giving birth to her baby with hunky Javier Bardem, and former model Penny Lancaster was spotted towering over hubby Rod Stewart on the red carpet while pregnant.

While we're on the topic, can we talk about the mysterious pregnancy of stylist Rachel Zoe? The woman barely showed a bump. I don't know whether I should be jealous or start rumors of a fake pregnancy. For now, I'll suppress my catty urges.

At any rate, ladies who just can't keep their heels off for nine months may want to consider using bunion splints or orthotics in order to keep bunions at bay, and to save themselves from the dreaded bunion surgery.

2014年8月17日 星期日





如往常一樣,在你小酌完之後,喝些水是極為重要的,三到五品脫是屬於正常的水量攝取,根據The Daily Mail,對於一個如同我喜歡喝幾杯水的女士來說,應該有足夠的攝取量能讓我的生體機能維持正常,有足夠的養分到達我的姆趾外翻。




Cheers! It turns out red wine is good for your bunion

Posted on November 2, 2012
It's no secret that I enjoy a little vino every once and awhile. Heck, me and my girlfriends count on it every weekend. After my second – or, let's be honest – third glass of red wine last night, I realized that mybunion pain miraculously disappeared. As it turns out, there is a whole scientific explanation behind this boozy pain relief.
There are these chemicals in red wine called polyphenols that are known to reduce inflammation. These naturally-occurring nutrients trigger a reaction that can spell relief for your toesies and other achy joints like ankles and knees. This is gonna make my weekends a lot more fun, that is for sure. Knowing that my favorite beverage also relieves my bunion pain? This is almost too good to be true.
As always, it is important plenty of water when you are tipping back the glass. Approximately three to five pints a day are usually good for normal hydration, according to The Daily Mail. For a lady like me who typically enjoys to put back at least a glass or two should probably up that number to make sure that a steady flow of nutrients is making its way to my bunion.
Arthritis is normal for broads like me, since it is a common trigger for bunion pain, but working off that glass of red wine with a jog or some yoga the next day is probably a good idea for your bunion too. According to HealthWorld, obesity can put even more strain on your feet. Since the toes are weight-bearing joints, it is important to hit the treadmill or roll out the mat after a night of drinking with the ladies. Too much alcohol can create excess belly fat (and who wants that?), so leading an active lifestyle is important in keeping a bunion at bay.
To all those white wine lovers out there looking to ease their arthritic bunion pain – you may want to switch to red. It turns out the skins of the grapes contain those antioxidants that make your bunion happy, and those are only found in the red varieties. As if this news can't get any better, I also found out that dark chocolate also contains this miracle nutrient. Pinch me, I must be dreaming.
I didn't need another reason to uncork that bottle of Merlot this evening, but now that I know that my feet are going to be happier because of it, it's all the more reason to eat, drink and be merry. Cheers to you and better relief for your bunions!

2014年8月16日 星期六

高跟鞋背後隱藏的心理學,以及這對妳的姆指外翻的意義又是?(英翻中文章僅供 分享)



一個來自於Tucson Weekly的專欄作家也提出了同樣的議題他舉了Carrie Bradshaw為例(來自於慾望城市這受人歡迎的節目)以及Victoria Beckham(也是姆指外翻的病友)為例,為何女性持續虧待自己,讓自己穿那些難走,且可能導致傷害的鞋子,她接著說這些角色也許會誘惑女人們『加入』這種俱樂部,這種俱樂部的人至少要穿著4英吋的blahnik高跟鞋


,雖然長久以來,穿著高跟鞋被視為一種吸引男性的做法,然而卻有別種觀點,女性在職場上競爭時,會利用穿著高跟鞋來展示自己的權利及抱負,鞋子製造商當然也知道這個道理,在紐約市的Macy's flagship store最近展開一場largest shoe floor on earth的活動,裡面提供超過二十八萬雙鞋子,大多數是高跟鞋





The psychology behind high heels – and what it means for your bunion

Posted on November 14, 2012
I personally have never understood the love affair that women have with sky-high shoes. Have heels ever gone down in height? I guess flats made a comeback for a hot minute, but honestly, I simply cannot go shopping anymore without seeing the heels rise further and further into the stratosphere. Sure, they make your legs and butt look good, but is there something more psychological behind female obsession with stilettos?
Personal or business?
A columnist from the Tucson Weekly recently addressed the same issue, using Carrie Bradshaw from the popular "Sex and the City" show and Victoria Beckham – my fellow bunion sufferer – as examples of why women continually totter around in shoes that are not only hard to walk in, but may cause injury. She went on to explain that these characters may entice women to join a "club" where you have to have at least a 4-inch Blahnik to join. However, most women understand that movie stars and the shoes they wear are not practical for day-to-day routine. So why do ladies continue to festishize over high heels?
According to article, women in the workplace looking to break through the glass ceiling are often to blame – how counterproductive does that seem? Show off your mental prowess by amping up your leg appeal? The source reported that although it has been long thought that these shoes were created to attract men, many women in competition for jobs will wear high heels as an unofficial symbol of power and ambition. Shoe companies know this too – according to the source, Macy's flagship store in New York City recently unveiled the "largest shoe floor on earth," with more than 280,000 pairs of shoes, most of them heels – all of this done under a recession-fueled budget. Why? Women think heels will not only make them look good, they will also get them ahead in the business world. Apparently height matters to women as well – being literally on the same level as their male counterparts provides a "leg up," so to speak.
Who needs 'em?
I'm here to say this: Ladies, the long-term damage that these sexy shoes will do to your feet is not worth any man or supposed career climb. Everything from back pain to bunion surgery can be in your future if you continue these unhealthy trends. Just look at all these growing numbers of women in CEO positions … do you think they are tottering around in heels? I don't think so! Using your smarts to get ahead in business is always a better move than putting your feet through torture.

2014年8月15日 星期五







彎下你的身軀,做個Facing dog的姿勢吧


我發現一些瑜珈的姿勢對我姆指外翻是極為有效的,照這些方法,你能讓姆指外翻了解,你才是老大,有些基礎的姿勢能推薦給你包括:warrior, tadasana, vrkasana and utkatasana(希望你會發這些音)

Hit the gym, ladies: Exercise is good for your bunion!

Posted on December 7, 2012
This may not be the best news to some of you ladies out there who are planning on indulging this holiday season, there are plenty of reasons to get back on that treadmill, and that includes your bunion pain. Overeating and not exercising won't just make your joints beg for mercy, healthy nutrition and moderate exercise are the best ways to keep looking young, fresh and energized!
Lace up your sneakers
Based on information from the Harvard Medical School (I believe they know a thing or two about health), self-help measures are some of the best ways to make bony bumps a little less irritating. You've heard me warn about the perils of high heels before, but there is a shoe that could spell relief for your bunion pain – your trusty pair of tennis shoes.
Although exercise is important, not everyone likes to slave away on the elliptical machine. Although this may work for some of you gals out there, I am getting too old to be jogging away on a piece of cardio equipment (not a pretty sight). However, that doesn't mean that I don't make time for fitness. Not only is aging gracefully one of my main goals (fingers crossed), staying active and flexible is one of the best ways to keep my irritating bunion off of my mind. So what is a girl to do about losing weight with a bunion?
Get down with your 'Downward Facing Dog'
I am painfully aware that bunion pain occurs within the bones of the feet. However, taking advice from theLivestrong Foundation, yoga has become my exercise of choice. It's important to know that yoga isn't a quick fix or a cure all – but it can become quite useful for slowing down the growing out of those annoyingbunions. An added bonus? Yoga can also help promote your mobility and keep you looking lean (what girl wouldn't want that?).
Some of the poses I have found that work best for my bunion include standing with my feet planted firmly on the ground with my toes spread and somewhat gripping the yoga mat. The bunion bone turns inward, so standing positions with the direct opposition of its growth are the best poses to show that bunion who is boss. Some of the poses that the foundation recommended include: warrior, tadasana, vrkasana and utkatasana (good luck with pronouncing some of those).

2014年8月14日 星期四

運動選手或許有美好體態,但是他們腳部卻不是你想像的(英翻中文章分享僅供參 考)





前網球好手Justin Gimelstob曾說:『我總是說,一個最好分辨身邊的人是否真的如此愛你的方法就是當他看見你腳部的樣子時,他仍然願意跟你在一起,因為沒有一個網球選手希望別人看到他襪子底下的腳部狀況。』








In the midst of the U.S. Open, the New York Times ran an article about the bunioned and blistered feet of tennis' beautiful stars. The problem extends far beyond tennis players, affecting many who dance and run, as well as those who give their all playing soccer, basketball, baseball and hockey.

The broken, bruised toenails, sprained ankles, fallen arches, bunions and stress fractures are surely a pain, but for those who are passionate about their sport, it's all for the love of the game.

The Times article described one U.S. Open star as having feet that "resemble fresh hamburger" by the time a match is finished.

“I’ve always said the best way a tennis player knows his significant other really loves him is if that person sees his feet and still stays with him,” said former tennis player Justin Gimelstob, quoted by the news source. “No tennis player wants to reveal what’s under those socks.”

Moreover, it seems as though the problem is getting worse. A 1991 U.S. Open finalist told the Times that athletes today move faster, which means harder stopping and more stress on the feet and ankles. This, combined with imbalanced biomechanics, is the kind of motion that often leads to bunions or hammer toe.

Ballet dancers experience the foot conditions as a result of pointe and the shoes that are required for such gravity-defying acts. Runners who pronate or wear improper footwear are prone to bunions and hammer toe due to a lack of support and repeated motion that puts stress on the metatarsal bone. Other sports players experience similar issues relating to landing mechanics and footwear.

So what is an athlete to do? Well, bunion surgery is not a great option. The British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society reports that the operation often results in a stiff big toe, which may only be a slight drawback to the normal person but can severely affect performance for a dancer or athlete. Additionally, a National Institutes of Health study revealed that the best course of action for people who play sports is conservative treatment. However, when the big toe becomes incongruous with the metatarsal bone, bunion surgery may be the only option.

As a result, athletes who develop bunions or hammer toe – or those at risk of the bony deformity – should invest in bunion splints or orthotics, which have been known to prevent or correct the foot conditions without the need for bunion surgery. Additionally, the devices have been shown to help feet heal properly following a bunion operation.

2014年8月13日 星期三



能從腳痛的位置及可能的引發因素去縮去探求腳痛的起因,根據Cary Copeland, DPM, director of University of Cincinnati Health Podiatry services所言︰「腳部疼痛並非尋常,人們卻常常忽略此情況並且接受他的存在,尤其在孩童身上更是如此,正常人要能夠站著一段時間,不論是穿著人字拖或是平底鞋而不感到疼痛。」








Foot pain could indicate a deeper problem

Posted on July 14, 2013
As people break out the strappy sandals and flip-flops for the summer season, many are also preparing for the foot pain that is associated with a more active lifestyle and less supportive footwear. Pain in the foot can be due to a problem in any part of the foot. Bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, fascia, toenail beds, nerves, blood vessels, orskin can be the source of foot pain. The cause of foot pain can be narrowed down by location and by considering some of the most common causes of foot pain.
According to Cary Copeland, DPM, director of University of Cincinnati Health Podiatry services, “Foot pain is not normal, and people often accept it—even children,” he says. “People should be able to stand for hours at time—even wearing flip-flops or other flat shoes—without experiencing pain. It’s important to realize that if you cannot, there might be an underlying problem.”
Copeland says that if a child complains of foot pain, it isn’t normal, and that down the road, if not properly addressed, it could lead to hip, knee and lower back pain later in life.
“When you’re enjoying the day at Kings Island and notice that your child needs to sit down every half an hour, there may be other issues,” he says, adding that undiagnosed tightness in the calf muscle can lead to premature knee and hip pain and affect muscles and joints throughout the lower half of the body and lower back. “There are a number of issues that can be caused by an imbalance in the lower extremities, which people may often ignore and compensate in ways that harm other parts of their body.
“When you go to the ophthalmologist and the different strengths of lenses are put in front of you, it’s easy to see that your eyesight improves; however, with lower extremity imbalances, a person is not as aware that there is a problem.”
Oftentimes, children are told that they are experiencing “growing pains,” which do in fact happen during growth periods. However, Copeland says, this can occur as a result of overcompensation, which could lead to premature arthritis in the knees, hips and lower back and a specialist might be needed.
“It’s important to catch these problems earlier in life and remedy them to avoid arthritis or other joint and foot pain—including bunions, corns and hammertoes—later in life,” he says. “People often think these issues are genetic but it is the biomechanical imbalances that may be passed from parent to child, and if caught early, common foot pathologies can be avoided.
“Enjoy your flip-flops and sandals, but for the best health and an overall good quality of life, take care of any foot pain you may have.”

2014年8月12日 星期二



2014 Winter Olympics remind us of the importance of foot health
Posted on February 12, 2014 by bunion news

As television viewers stare in awe at the incredible feats being performed by Olympians at the 2014 winter games, podiatrists around the world are marveling at their feet. After all, foot pain can be debilitating for anybody—let alone Winter Game athletes. For world-class athletes and the common person alike, common foot ailments like bunions can have a debilitating effect on mobility and performance.
The gorgeous weather and outdoor hobbies common to the region mean that feet are often exposed, requiring thorough attention to beauty as well. Bunions, corns, calluses, and ingrown toenails can ruin a casual day at the beach or on a hike for those who are self-conscious about their painful (and often painful-looking) foot conditions.
For people who are athletes or just physically active and suffer from mild to moderate bunions, a podiatrist recommended bunion splint is commonly prescribed by podiatrists. Bunion surgery is a costly and painful procedure that is only recommended for those suffering from the most extreme cases of bunions.
If conservative or preventative methods don’t resolve these problems, then surgeons are more than capable of solving them. However, many people have been accidentally maimed byinexperienced surgeons who botch the bunion surgery.

2014年8月11日 星期一



星期五周末夜的確是電影夜,我最近觀看過一部名為called God Save My Shoes with my feet up and bunion splints strapped on的DVD紀錄片,這部影片主要去介紹一些對鞋子有愛好的狂熱者、設計師所擁有昂貴、或是可能引發姆趾指外翻的嗜好。


這部片子的導演Julie Benasra.說到︰「當我拍攝這部片子時,我不知道該從何下手,是從心理學、歷史學、或是性學的觀點去看待,現在我無法用以前的思維去看待這件事」
導演出訪到紐約、洛杉磯、巴黎、多倫多、米蘭以及佛羅倫斯去和那些有愛鞋成癡嗜好的時尚家、雜誌編輯、心理醫師、性學專家或是有戀鞋癮的人對話,這部紀錄片採訪了時尚歌手Fergie 及Kelly Rowland, 滑稽戲表演家Dita Von Teese a和許多設計師Christian Louboutin、Manolo Blahnik、Walter Steiger、Pierre Hardy、Bruno Frisoni and Robert Clergerie。

有趣。娛樂。誘惑集於一身,這部片子只會稍微把你的愛鞋癮剷除一些,如果你像我,就會直接殺去Zappos Piperlime。

Documentary explores the relationship between women and their shoes

Posted on January 18, 2012

Friday night is movie night for yours truly, and I recently had the pleasure of viewing a documentary called God Save My Shoes with my feet up and bunion splints strapped on. Now on DVD, the film features a number of footwear-obsessed celebrities and the designers that feed their expensive, bunion-inducing addictions.
The documentary delves much deeper into a woman's (or man's) relationship with shoes, touching on the mental, cultural and erotic significance held by a special pair of pumps or stilettos.
"When I started this film, little did I know I was actually going to explore the feminine condition, whether I looked at it from a psychological, historical or sexual angle. Now I just can’t slip into a shoe the same way I used to," said director Julie Benasra.
The directors traveled to New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Toronto, Milan and Florence to speak with people who have extreme shoe habits, fashion historians, magazine editors, psychologists, sex experts and people with shoe fetishes. The documentarians interviewed fashionable singers Fergie and Kelly Rowland, burlesque performer Dita Von Teese and designers Christian Louboutin, Manolo Blahnik, Walter Steiger, Pierre Hardy, Bruno Frisoni and Robert Clergerie.
God Save My Shoes also explores the role that footwear plays in popular culture, from Marilyn Monroe to Sex and the City, and gives a history of how high heels evolved from ancient times to the present.
The producers of the movie have teamed up with charity Soles4Souls, agreeing to donate $1 for each copy of DVD that is sold, which allows the nonprofit organization to provide a pair of shoes to an individual in need.
Interesting, entertaining and even titillating at moments, the documentary will do little good in helping you kick your addiction to high heels. If you're anything like me, you'll head straight to Zappos or Piperlime when you're finished to feed your habit.
Luckily, I have my Bunion Aid by Alpha Orthotics to keep my bony deformities in check while still enjoying the season's best in towering footwear. It doesn't hurt to slip a pair of orthotics inside each pair, either. These in-shoe devices add extra padding to soothe sore feet, as well as help distribute pressure on the foot evenly, which may help alleviate bunion pain.

2014年8月10日 星期日



原來那些長期遭受交通阻礙折磨的人,最後遭受的不僅是頭痛或是大發雷霆而以,根據澳洲的新聞報導,在主要都市,例如墨爾本或是雪梨,日漸繁忙的交通阻礙經常導致通勤族產生腳痛的問題,根據Herald Sun,一種被人所熟知的情況「clutch foot」經常發生於長時間踩住踏板,這種動作所造成的壓力或是重複性的動作會造成足部問題


24歲的Tianna Nadalin,據報導指出,她的腳趾頭會麻木,以及下背痛,因為她長時間通勤,她並且補充,即便她換了一個自動的變速桿,情況卻沒有多大的改善。


一位足科醫生告訴Herald Sun,「clutch foot」是長時間做重複性的動作所導致近似於網球肘的一種情形,

根據Amol Saxena, D.P.M., of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation指出,長期駕駛可能會導致足底筋膜炎,這也被稱之為足弓下塌,他並且在組織的網頁上表示這是因為末端的腳部組織沒有足夠的血液供給,所以它無法像別身體部位痊癒得如此迅速。

別讓「clutch foot」讓你不能在上路

The Herald Sun推薦你調整駕駛座的姿勢去提供你背部足夠的支撐,此外,新聞來源也建議民眾必須嘗試用整隻腳去踩踏踏板。

記住,他們並沒有說駕駛鞋是沒有實際效果的,因為這些鞋子是射寄去踩踏踏板,A roomy toe box這種鞋能提供足弓良好的支持,有了它,上路不再是問題。

A long commute may contribute to foot pain

Posted on June 25, 2012
It turns out that people who languish in traffic for hours each day may end up with more than a headache and road rage. Australian news sources are reporting that the increased traffic in the country's major cities of Melbourne and Sydney has led to foot pain for commuters.
According to the Herald Sun, a condition known as "clutch foot" occurs as a result of holding pedals down for extended periods of time. The tension and repetitive motion can lead to foot problems like numbness and cramps, as well as discomfort in the ankles, knees and hips.
Drivers testify about their pain
The news source spoke with 24-year-old Tianna Nadalin, who reported numbness in her toes and lower back pain as a result of sitting in traffic during her commute, and she said that switching from a stick shift to an automatic didn't help much.
"I used to get it in peak-hour traffic pressing the pedal in all the time, so when I bought a car I chose an automatic," Nadalin said, quoted by the news source. "And sometimes I still get it when I use the brake a lot, but there is nothing you can do about it."
A told the Herald Sun that clutch foot is similar to tennis elbow in that it results from repetitive motions done over a long period of time.
According to Amol Saxena, D.P.M., of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, driving can lead to plantar fasciitis, also known as fallen arches. He reported on the organization's website that this is because the tissue that runs on the bottom of the foot has low blood supply, so it doesn't heal as quickly as other parts of the body may.
Don't let clutch foot keep you off the road
The Herald Sun recommended altering the position of your driver's seat to provide better support for the back. Also, the news source suggested that people should attempt to use their whole foot to apply pressure to the pedal.
Remember that they don't call them driving shoes for nothing, as this kind of footwear is made especially for putting the pedal to the metal. A roomy toe box, good arch support and grips on the heel may help you hit the road sans foot pain.

2014年8月9日 星期六




今年年初,位於墨爾本的La Trobe大學釋出了一個驚人的關於年長女性研究,科學團隊檢視了超過2800位的女性他們足部情況,並且統計出在百分之三十六的樣本數中,他們都有些許程度的拇趾外翻




領導整個研究團體的研究者說: 『從我們的研究結果發現,姆趾外翻會帶來極大的影響,他甚至會影響我們整體的生活品質』。







Yet another ill effect of aging: bunion and hammer toe

Posted on September 22, 2011
Don't us women have all the luck? As men age, they get distinguished gray hair, promotions at work and younger ladies still find them attractive. As women age, we get wrinkles, bunions and hammer toe.
Earlier this year, researchers at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia released a damning study for many aging women. The team of scientists examined the foot health of more than 2,800 individuals and found that 36 percent of them had some degree of hallux valgus, otherwise known as the dreaded bunion. Moreover, the bony deformity was found to occur most often in women and appeared to advance with age.
Lovely. Oh, and did I mention that the researchers also found that bunions can have a negative impact on an individual's quality of life? This happens when the big toe leans so far toward its smaller counterparts that it causes hammer toe: a condition characterized by toes taking on a claw-like formation. The two conditions combined can have a major impact on mobility, not to mention a woman's ability to wear pretty shoes.
"Our findings indicate that hallux valgus is a significant and disabling musculoskeletal condition that affects overall quality of life," said lead researcher. "Interventions to correct or slow the progression of the deformity offer patients beneficial outcomes beyond merely localized pain relief."
So, what are these interventions? Well, they range from non-invasive bunion splints or orthotics to the very painful, costly bunion surgery.
Bunion splints and orthotics work by ensuring proper distribution of pressure on the foot, which can take some of the stress off of the metatarsal joint. Additionally, splints hold the joint of the big toe in place, reversing the outward movement of the bunion. Orthotics can be especially helpful when it comes to treating hammer toe, since they can coax the baby toes into a straighter position.
What about bunion surgery, you ask? The operation is really only recommended for individuals who have severely hindered mobility as a result of their bunions. The procedure can sometimes result in an unsightly over-correction of bunions or recurrence of the deformity, and does nothing to treat hammer toe – that's a whole other surgery altogether. Additionally, as with all operations, patients risk infection and further pain.


2014年8月8日 星期五







我們發現,穿著夾腳拖導致得走路姿態會帶來腳部或是臀部痛甚至是下背痛,這段話是出自於研究的共同作者Justin Shroyer, Ph.D,引言於紐約時報。




The Huffington Post最近發表一則文章,提供7種小秘訣讓你擁有一雙健康的腳,其中之一是避免穿著夾腳拖,然而,專家也提供一些小建議給那些夾腳拖愛好者,如何將腳痛減到最低。

並不是每雙鞋都是相同方法製造,美國足部醫學協會的發言人Jane Anderson引言於The Huffington Post。

Flip flops without arch support are an unwise choice of footwear

Posted on May 25, 2012

While towering stilettos may be the worst offenders when it comes to causing foot pain, they're at least stylish and sexy – which is more than can be said for flip flops. These noisy rubber sandals really have nothing to offer, unless you're trying to avoid foot fungus in a public shower.
In fact, an analysis by researchers at Auburn University's Department of Kinesiology showed exactly why flip flops are a poor choice of shoes.
Clinical evidence that flip flops are a pain in the feet
Authors of the study – which was presented at a meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine – examined the biomechanics of 39 volunteers, half of whom wore sneakers and the remainder wore flip flops. They found that when wearing the latter, individuals tend to walk differently than they would in more supportive footwear.
"We found that when people walk in flip flops, they alter their gait, which can result in problems and pain from the foot up into the hips and lower back," said study co-author Justin Shroyer, Ph.D., as quoted inThe New York Times.
Specifically, people had a tendency to grip the flip flops with their toes, pointing them downward as they step forward. (Anyone who's ever tripped in thong sandals knows how this goes down, and it ain't pretty, because it can cause you to twist your ankle, stub your toe on the ground or even fall.) Additionally, flip flop wearers didn't exert as much force on their heel when landing, compared to people in sneakers.
Sandals need arch support, too
If, for whatever reason, you love flip flops so much that you just can't bear the idea of a summer without them, at least be careful about what pair you select.
The Huffington Post recently published an article giving seven tips for healthy feet, one of which was to avoid wearing flip flops – go figure. However, an expert gave some tips for thong enthusiasts on how to choose a pair that may minimize foot pain.
"Not all flip flops are created equally," said podiatrist and American Podiatric Medical Association spokesperson Jane Anderson, quoted by The HuffPo.
She suggested looking for a pair of sandals that has arch support, a sturdy sole and thick straps, which may help reduce the toe-grip effect and keep the footwear in place.


2014年8月4日 星期一

如何減少穿著高跟鞋帶來的傷害 (英翻中文章分享僅供參考)



























How to prevent foot problems caused by high heels

Posted on February 20, 2014 by bunion news

High-heeled shoes are thought to characterise femininity and beauty, making the wearer feel self-assured and elegant. But they also alter alignment of the feet, legs, and back, and can have long-term effects on posture and health. Feet suffer considerably inside high-heeled shoes. The higher the heel, the more the foot slides inside the shoe and the greater the pressure and friction under the heel, the ball of the foot, and the big toe.

Friction is damaging to the skin causing a burning sensation and blisters and, over time, it leads to the development of hard skin and corns. This stress can also cause deeper soft tissue problems in the foot, such as a neuroma (thickened nerve). As heel height increases, body weight shifts towards the inside border of the foot and under the big toe. Over time, this increased pressure on the big toe may cause it to be forced towards the second toe.

Damage to the big toe joint in the form of bunions (hallux valgus) has been associated with prolonged wearing of high-heeled shoes. And women who frequently wear high heels commonly have a larger forefoot area and a longer big toe. Some suggestions to reduce the harmful effects of high heels:

  • choose a shoe with moderate heel height, no higher than five centimetres, and a fastening over the instep;

  • wear high heels for short periods of time, and take a pair of flat shoes or runners to change into if you have to walk a long distance during the day;

  • choose a shoe with a wide heel base, or a wedge heel, to reduce the load under the front of your foot;

  • avoid running in high-heeled shoes as pressure under the foot increases considerably when running, even at low speed;

  • use a shoe insert to reduce pressure on the forefoot and heel;

  • do calf muscle stretching exercises every day to maintain ankle flexibility.




2014年8月2日 星期六


美國脫口秀女王歐普拉有姆趾外翻的困擾對大眾來說不是一個祕密,她在她的主持節目和他的醫療專家Dr. Oz討論這些議題,在她的網站上還有專們區塊有關姆趾外翻的問與答。


先前,在O雜誌上,專家Valerie Monroe建議讀者把接受姆趾外翻手術當做最後的選項,他並且提到保守的方法是在接受手術前先嘗試矯正器的輔助。


然而,我卻對阿爾法矯形器有所了解,她曾在2010年3月嘗試利用阿爾法矯形器去治療以及減緩她足部的變形,Gaby Federal一位阿爾法矯形器的總裁,再聽聞到有節目主持人正在籌備慶祝O雜誌十周年的活動時,她寄了一組姆趾外翻的纏帶給歐普拉,並且寫了一封信建議她可以每日穿戴半小時。

我們不知道歐普拉是否接受這意義深遠的建議,但是假如她接受此建議,她將會在StyleBistro bloggers.有個好的回歸。


Oprah still won’t accept Bunion Aid intervention

Posted on October 4, 2011
It's no secret that America's favorite talk show queen has some serious bunions. She's talked about them on her show with her in-house medical expert Dr. Oz, and bunion Q&As are featured prominently in the health section of her website.

When the October issue of O Magazine was released, her fans and bunion sympathizers may have done a double take at the sight of her seemingly slim feet gracefully wearing a pair of glittery gold peep-toe pumps. Did she get bunion surgery? Maybe, but probably not. Bloggers on StyleBistro quickly accused Oprah of airbrushing out her bunions, as the television personality has been known as a notorious photoshopper.

"They even retouched her feet to make them look like those of a foot model while her real feet look almost deformed with crooked bunion toes!" according to the blog. StyleBistro commented on the cover after Rosie O'Donnell expressed dismay over looking like the heftier one in the photo.

Previously, in O Magazine, expert Valerie Monroe advised readers to choose bunion surgery only as a last resort option. She said that conservative methods, like using orthotic devices, should be tried before going under the knife.

So, what exactly happened to Oprah's bunions? We may sooner find the remains of Jimmy Hoffa, as O's public relations team tends to be pretty tight-lipped.

However, I do know this much: Alpha Orthotics tried to intervene and save Oprah from her bony deformities in March, 2010. After hearing about a walk the television host was planning in celebration of the 10th anniversary of her magazine, Gaby Federal, president of Alpha Orthotics, mailed her a Bunion Aid splint and a letter advising Oprah to wear the device for a half hour each day during the month leading up to the Live Your Best Life Walk.

We don't know if Oprah ever took the well-meaning advice, but had she done so, she'd have a good comeback for the StyleBistro bloggers.

Here's one more plea to everyone's favorite daytime host: Oprah, we know you are a busy, busy lady and while you likely have the funds for bunion surgery, you probably can't spare the healing time. The Bunion Aid features an award-winning hinged design to allow you a certain degree of mobility while you correct those bunions. Perhaps if you do, you will one day be able to parade your bare feet in front of the paparazzi and proclaim, "I am bunion-free!"

2014年7月9日 星期三

An endorsement by Dr. David R. Hannaford, DPM for the Bunion Aid® Treatment Splint

Prominent Sports Podiatrist, endorses Bunion Aid® splint
I would like to endorse the Bunion Aid Bunion Splint as a significant improvement over other bunion splints I have ever used in the past. The fit, comfort, and active hinge design has improved compliance and opened a new use for bunion splints that has never been available previously.

I am a Podiatrist who specializes in athletic injuries. My patients are usually active, healthy, and motivated. These patients are usually taking action early in the progression of their bunions and may feel low grade problems earlier because of high levels of activity than more sedentary patients. Especially in this type of patient I have had success using active strengthening exercises for the big toe. Pain can be eliminated and a limited amount of straightening of the toe is possible. Exercises cannot eliminate the width of the forefoot or size of the bunion bump, but they can make the foot more functional and often eliminate pain.

Bunion Aid recommended by podiatrists

Before I found the Bunion Aid Bunion Splint my patients would have to use elastic straps or manually grip the toe during the exercises, then wear a rigid splint when sleeping. I now have my patients wear the splint while active at home in loose shoes or barefoot to maintain the correction process and then perform the strengthening with the device in place when it is convenient. I have found my patients to be more compliant because of the simplicity and much more likely to continue into the future. Improving the big toe position is a very long term project and must be maintained. They also are more comfortable when using it as a night splint.

Bunion Aid recommended by podiatrists

I also like that the splint is interchangeable left or right and easily adjusted for fit. I also feel that walking around with the splint attached, if done carefully, can do a lot to improve the function of the toe. The splint holds the toe straight so that while walking, the toe is held in its proper range of motion with weight on the foot. This can retrain the muscles of the entire foot and stretch the joint to make it receptive to correction. This needs to be performed gradually by adjusting the splint in steps to avoid irritating the joint.

If you have had poor results with bunion splints as an aid to avoid surgery or have had poor patient compliance in the past, I recommend that you try this improved bunion splint.

A conversation between Alpha Orthotics® Corp and Dr. Striebeck about the relationship of foot disorders to back problems.

Many people think a Chiropractor is someone who you visit when you have back problems, but Chiropractors treat foot disorders as well. What is the connection between the two?
"Back or foot pain causes altered motions wich lead to more wear and tear in the joints over time. Good alignment and proper motion preserve joint health. Joints don't wear out; they age by injury, poor mechanics and off center motions. With proper alignment and normal compression, any joint can outlive our physical death by a long shot (one study, I believe, one the knee suggests over 250 years)."

Where do foot problems begin?
"In general, the area of injury creates a weak link. Biomechanically, foot problems often start in the pelvis. The classic example is when the pelvis on one side drops down placing stress over the knee creating pin-pointed pain. The knee is normally located just over the second toe. But instead, this downward pressure causes the knee to roll inward causing pronation, which then places excess pressure on the big toe joint area."

More specifically, what contributes to the development of bunions?
"There are two basics: Biomechanics and Gravitational Compression, and the combination of the two. For example, in gravitational compression, the weight of the body standing is just the weight of the body. However, while walking, 2.5 X our body weight is being forced onto the foot, and while running 3.5 X our body weight is forced onto the foot. Biomechanically, the interaction of heel stride, mid-stance and toe-off eventually go through the big toe. So if there is any instability and structural changes between the forces and alignment (such as lateral arch collapse), the big toe suffers"

"Sometimes callus on the foot show the area where stresses go and where pressure is avoided (the area next to the callus). Shoes that are too tight or too big can be a factor; in womens' shoes if the heels are more than 2 1/2 inches high, they will create more splaying of the fore foot and may lead to bunions."

What kind of effects do bunions have on a patient's gait and posture?
"Typical pain behavior which is 'avoidance'. Avoidance results in what I call a 'wobbling' movement that amplifies throughout a patient's gait and posture. So it is important to get the patient back to normal biomechanics as early as possible. For example, once a bunion is developed, it is usually tender to pressure. A patient may inadvertently avoid compression against the toe which will affect the entire biomechanical chain and posture. People with painful bunions are less likely to go for walks; their bunions have a limiting effect on their activity levels."

What treatments do y ou most frequently use when treating bunions and why?
"Muscle exercises. I work with the lateral muscle, the Adductor hallucis, located between the big toe and the second toe. This muscle atrophies because it is never used. However, it is very hard to exercise correction into the foot because of the gravitational compression that occurs on a daily basis. You pretty much have to train yourself to work this muscle.

I recommend stabilizers that are cast while standing, provide space around the affected area and treat the three arches: medical longitudinal, lateral arch, and transverse arch. I recommend semi –rigid stabilizers for their dynamic support and different types of compression.

I also like the Bunion Aid® Bunion Treatment Splint because it is mobile and introduces a corrective force not unlike a retainer for the teeth. Gradual force over time has a corrective effect if the brace is positioned correctly and the pressure of the brace to the toe is not irritating. I recommend to first wear the brace not weight-bearing, then increase the time gradually and wear it around the house.

Surgery is only the last resort. It is so invasive, and post-surgical trauma can have adverse affects itself."

People with bunions can mistakenly believe that if they just pull the big toe over laterally in one direction with either wedges, toe separators, or a rigid splint, that it will fix the bunion. Can you comment on this misperception?
"You can provide good support, stabilize the foot and make improvements, but it is very difficult to fix a bunion. From a biomechanical point of view, knees are associated with the fibularis muscles. These two muscles run alongside the lower leg and help flex the foot downward and upward at the outer ankle. If the knee is not moving correctly, the fibular cascades creating a diagonal movement, once again causing the foot to roll inward. Sometimes it is necessary to treat both the foot and the knee."

As I was reviewing the various bunion splints for our bunion splint buyer’s guide, it appears that most rigid splints only pull the big toe over laterally in one static position, while, Bunion Aid® offers an advantage during the straightening process because it pulls the big toe over laterally through the range of motion of the big toe joint. Is this true?
"I absolutely agree that this is a big advantage and that is why I have added Bunion Aid® as part of my bunion management regiment."

An article by Dr. Kevin Wong about arch support and use of the Bunion Aid® Treatment Splint

A Healthy Gait Cycle Keeps the Pain Away
The average human being knows very little about one of the most important things we do repeatedly throughout the day. It’s called walking. There is a fancy term for walking, called “gait”. It has been and continues to be studied so that we can understand more about how our normal and abnormal gait patterns affect us.

Let’s take an example of a person with a healthy gait pattern. When a human takes a step, it typically lands on its heel. As the foot continues to move forward, it flattens out slightly but the three arches still maintain its flexibility. This is where you might have heard the term “pronation”. Pronation is actually good for the feet and is necessary. In the final phase, the foot has moved forward enough so that the forefoot bends and the toes lift off the ground.

phases of the gait cycle
The important thing to understand here is that walking is a symphony of coordinated movements. Each one must happen in sequence and the foot itself must have its support structure intact for us to have normal, healthy walking. In fact, when you are walking well, you hardly even notice. Life is good and you have no pain, so why would you notice normal gait?

Now comes the reality of it. When you look at our society, by and large we tend to wear shoes almost everywhere we go. The advent of wearing shoes in general has caused problems in our feet that have shown up typically as “falling arches”.  All three arches tend to be flatter or fallen in 80-85% of the world’s population.

arches of the foot
Have you ever heard someone tell you “I wear really good shoes”? Unfortunately, even the great running shoes people buy with the latest arch technology is not enough to adequately support the feet. Why? Because the feet have three arches that ALL need to be stabilized. Shoes only support one and in rare cases two of these arches. Genetics, weight bearing activities, obesity, injuries and other causes also contribute to fallen arches.

Here is the big picture: As the arches collapse and fall, it changes our normal gait patterns. This causes abnormal or negative stress onto the feet and the joints above.

Let’s go back to our person who is walking but now she is doing so on flatter feet. After stepping on the ground with her heel, the foot moves forward and begins to flatten out (pronate). Someone with arch collapse is going to have a foot that now flattens out too much, or over-pronates. This excessive flattening of the foot changes the way it can support the body.

Foot Arch Examination
Amazingly enough, this over-pronation sets up such negative stress on the ankles, knees, hips and lower back that it can lead to pain. It is a commonly known fact that lower back pain has a strong relationship to the health of your foot arches.

So what can be done about it? We know supporting all three arches are important, but before we move into prescribing custom, flexible orthotics, we can implement some useful tools that can provide support and begin relieving pain and pressure immediately.

The Bunion Aid® Medial Mid-foot Brace, by Alpha Orthotics®, is an amazing device which can actually give support to the three arches of the foot in a comfortable manner. The device is easy to put on, and the flexibility of the materials allows for support and comfort. People love not only how the device feels on their feet, but that they are able to wear it in shoes for weight bearing activities.

For those with bunions, the Alpha Orthotics Bunion Aid® splint, includes the mid-foot brace option and couples it with a big toe extension so that gentle traction can be applied to the inwardly angled toe. The arches are supported and the big toe can be gently straightened over time so it’s a win-win situation.

With the arches of the foot having so much effect on a healthy gait cycle, take the time to evaluate how they are working. Then implement these simple tools to experience much less pain as we mature.

An article by Dr. Robert C. Chelin, DPM about bunion exams, bunion surgery and use of the Bunion Aid® splint

Eliminate Foot Pain, Increase Foot Function and Improve the Foot’s Appearance
The mission at our "Aesthetics in Podiatry" practice is to eliminate foot pain, increase foot function, and improve the foot’s appearance. A physical exam of my patient’s feet begins with a complete foot physical including an evaluation of their foot mechanics and the environmental factors that their feet are exposed to daily. What I mean by this, is to first evaluate whether their foot deformity is primarily a result of their genetics (extremely flexible foot structure), or primarily, from wearing ill-fitting shoes.

In this case, I will use a bunion deformity, also known as Hallux valgus as an example of a patient’s foot condition. A bunion deformity is an enlargement of bone on the side of the 1st metatarsal head which may also involve the deviation of the big toe. Primarily it is caused by genetic factors. In some cases, ill-fitting shoes can be the cause of a bunion, but in most cases, improper foot wear only exacerbates this genetic disposition.

bunion pain foot examination
With a bunion deformity, conservative treatments such as wearing prescription foot orthotics and/or Bunion Aid® bunion splints and switching to proper-fitting shoes can reduce bunion pain and stabilize one’s foot mechanics. If the bunion is painful, an x-ray examination is performed. If the deformity is severe and the degrees of bunion deviation of the big toe is large enough, I will suggest that the patient consider bunion surgery. I will then recommend a procedure or multiple procedures to eliminate the bunion pain, stabilize the deformity, and straighten the big toe for improved foot function and appearance.

Bunion surgery in most cases is successful; but in the end, it is up to my patients to continue with diligent foot care. For example, as part of my post-surgical care package, I include a Post Operative bunion splint that is engineered and
manufactured in Germany, the Bunion Aid® Treatment Splint. I recommend that our patients begin wearing it daily after I remove the post-op dressings, usually 4 – 6 bunion surgery examinationweeks after the surgery. This flexible hinged splint will maintain surgical correction while allowing the patient to return to normal activity.

I like to use analogies with my practice when consulting with patients. For example, with orthodontics, once our braces are removed from our teeth, we will continue to wear a retainer for some time to ensure our teeth do not shift back to their native position. It is only natural that with genetic deformities, whether they are deformities of our teeth or feet, our bones, ligaments and tendons want to go back to their native state. That is why it is so important to wear a bunion splint after bunion surgery and perhaps beyond. Post surgical use of the Bunion Aid® Treatment Splint will keep the big toe into the corrected position as well as maintaining the correct metatarsal angle. By doing so, we have a much better chance in preventing the reoccurrence of the bunion deformity.

2014年6月12日 星期四


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新 Z型切骨技術:四周可穿回普通鞋子

新 Z型切骨技術:復發率1%至2%

2014年6月9日 星期一

2014年5月22日 星期四










在大多數情況下姆囊炎手術都是成功的; 但最後往往都還需要靠病患的足部保養才能維持。舉例來說,我的術後護理方案中就包括了一款德國設計的HALLUFIX拇趾外翻矯正器。我都會建議我的患者於術後繃帶拆除後立刻開始穿著它,一般是在術後4 - 6週時。這款拇趾外翻矯正器的特殊設計可以同時兼顧走路時所需的關節活動並且讓病患可以盡快恢復正常活動。



作者 Dr. Robert C. Chelin, DPM, FAAFAS, DAAPM

Aesthetics in Podiatry 美學足部治療協會

2189 Yonge Street, Suite 305
Toronto, Ontario M4S 2B2


Chelin博士是國際足病診療師聯合會(FIP)的前任主席,以及經濟發展和網站委員會的主席。Chelin博士提供足部醫療服務已有29年。他擅長於使用先進設備,最先進的技術和服務,如使用Hyprocure骨關節植入物,Cutera Genesis Plus 雷射,透明質酸(HA)體積填料和體外衝擊波療法(ESWT)。最近則是開發了稱為[足部精品]的療法。他的團隊在進行足部治療時皆使用最新的無菌技術及最高品質的足部護理美甲產品。




  1. 將本文件整份印出來,其中包含左右腳的四種不同等級的拇趾外翻模板。

  2. 將您的拇趾對齊圖片中的姆趾位置進行比較,找出最接近您狀況的拇趾外翻模板。

  3. 如果您的姆指外翻等級是No Deformity(無變型)=0,恭喜您,您只需要注意維持足部的健康並且選擇合適的鞋子即可,當然須避免穿著尖頭鞋及高於一吋半的高跟鞋。

  4. 如果您的姆指外翻等級是Mild Deformity(輕微變型)=1或是Moderate Deformity(中度變型)=2,為需要注意的等級,需要特別注意足部的保養及避免進一步的傷害。

  5. 如果您的姆指外翻等級是Advanced Deformity(重度變型)=3,您需要專業的醫療顧問。

2014年4月17日 星期四




  • 大拇指輕微向小拇指翻過去

  • 大拇趾關節會稍微凸出

  • 整個腳掌全都在痛

  • 發現拇指的上方和側面都因為鞋子的壓力而開始痛


  • 大拇指和關節的位置持續不正確

  • 走路、站立、跑步都會有痛的感覺

  • 大拇指旁邊出現繭或者水泡

  • 在大腳趾關節出現漸進關節炎和硬化的狀況

  • 腳的外型產生改變(姆指會變成像鐵槌的外型或者鷹爪的外型)

Bunion known as Hallux valgus

Bunion known as Hallux valgus

2014年3月31日 星期一

德國“豪樂適”拇趾外翻矯正器 Hallufix for bunion pain (Hallux valgus) PCHOME文宣

logotype.png (662×116)

PCHOME 24小時到貨(台北6小時) 馬上去訂購!!







“豪樂適”拇趾外翻矯正器 是第一個專門為防止大拇趾以及治療大拇指錯位所研發輔助工具,此外無論日夜都能調適您腳掌,降低您拇趾囊腫的不適由德國科學家及骨科醫生共同研發“豪樂適”拇趾外翻矯正器是一個拇趾外翻固定器,無論日夜您都可以穿戴它




3.最後將蹠骨軟墊塞入腳掌與纏帶之間 就完成了!


  • 一、醫療器材許可證:

  • 品名:德國“豪樂適”拇趾外翻矯正器 (未滅菌) HallufixR for bunion pain (Hallux valgus)

  • 許可證核准字號:衛部醫器輸壹字第013259號

  • 藥商名稱:宏煜國際貿易股份有限公司

  • 製造廠名稱:HALLUFIX AG


  • 製造日期:2013/01

  • 有效期間(或保存期限):20年

  • 二、藥商許可執照:

  • 許可執照字號:北市衛藥販(安)字第620102O380號

  • 藥商名稱:網路家庭國際資訊股份有限公司

  • 藥商地址:台北市大安區敦化南路二段105號12樓

  • 藥商諮詢專線:(02)2326-1460

  • 三、廣告字號:北市衛器廣字第10211244號

logotype.png (662×116)

2014年3月22日 星期六





  • 拇指外翻是怎麼形成的

  • 這種症狀會帶給您怎樣的麻煩

  • 可以選擇的治療方法有那些



其中一個問題是當姆趾骨彎曲過大時會推擠到其他腳趾而產生蹠骨內翻的症狀,也就是蹠骨從其應有的位置向中心偏移的狀況。稱之為第一蹠骨內翻 Metatarsus primus varus。這種症狀導致關節部分向身體內側凸出了一塊,引此產生了姆囊腫,其原因往往是由鞋子所施予給腳的壓力而產生的。剛開始僅僅是一個因為骨頭與鞋子摩擦而產生小型的腫塊。在持續不斷的壓力下則會慢慢導致骨質變厚而成為更大的腫塊而對鞋子產生更大的摩擦。



















  • 移除姆囊腫

  • 調整趾骨及蹠骨的位置

  • 將關節周圍的肌肉做修整以避免再次的變形


















別名:拇abductovalgus ,姆囊炎

問題是大腳趾的橫向偏差,從而把一個外翻畸形在第一蹠趾( MTP)的聯合。 15-20 °的偏差被認為是不正常的。這個偏差攪得腳的生物力學。這可能會導致第一MTP接頭和大腳趾的關節半脫位,甚至可能重疊的第二個腳趾。




鞋類影響拇外翻的發生率: [ 1 ]
太緊的鞋子可引起疼痛和神經卡壓與拇外翻關係。時尚鞋都可以太緊太窄,要'奉承的腳“ 。
來自澳大利亞的一項研究發現,老年人經常穿緊身和不適當的鞋,尤其是老年婦女。 [ 2 ]
舞者把一個很大的壓力通過第一MTP接頭,但它是不可能的跳舞會導致拇囊炎。 [ 3 ]
還有記錄在攀岩者發生率較高。 [ 4 ]

關節過度活動與諸如埃 - 當洛綜合徵,馬凡綜合徵,唐氏綜合徵和韌帶鬆弛條件。


注意拇MTP關節的運動範圍。正常背屈是65-75 °,蹠屈小於15° 。注意:如果疼痛,捻發音,或兩者都存在。疼痛無捻發音提示滑膜炎。



患者應給予有關拇外翻適當的信息和建議[ 5 ]建議應包括以下內容:

穿合適的鞋(低,寬腳的鞋子) 。




保守的結果是非常差,手術可能是一個具有吸引力的選擇。手術可能不會對最終結果產生不利影響延遲,儘管疼痛和患者滿意度與早期手術改善。 [ 6 ]



Sesamoiditis 。


最簡單的是去除骨突出( exostectomy )的。另外,凱勒的置換涉及創建一個靈活的關節內側隆起的蹠骨頭通過切除連同一些近節指骨。關節融合術可以考慮。更換關節外翻或拇僵的是一個較新的選項。美國國家衛生研究院和護理卓越( NICE )已經給出的步驟表示謹慎的歡迎。

關節鏡是在這家合資及微創關節鏡手術很少表示不太可能是對拇外翻有幫助。 [ 7 ]對微創技術NICE指南承認,微創技術,可對患者的吸引力,但需要進一步的評估。 [ 8 ]



前景充滿變數,因為是,誰是治療的患者。因此,有足夠的試驗短缺比較的各種形式的處理的結果。 Cochrane綜述發現在其評估或者保守或手術治療很少很好的證據。 [ 9 ]


蹠趾關節置換拇趾的; NICE臨床指南( 2005)
拇外翻及拇趾外翻手術,骨科Wheeless '教科書
佩雷拉上午,梅森L時,斯蒂芬斯的MM ;拇外翻的發病機制。骨與關節損傷雜誌。 2011年9月7條; 93 ( 17 ) :1650 - 61 。 DOI : 10.2106/JBJS.H.01630 。
門斯HB ,莫里斯ME ;鞋的特點和老年人足部問題。老年學。 2005年9月至十月, 51 ( 5 ) :346 -51 。
肯尼迪JG , Collumbier JA ,拇趾囊腫的舞者。臨床運動醫學雜誌。 2008年4月, 27 ( 2 ) :321- 8 。 DOI : 10.1016/j.csm.2007.12.004 。
Schoffl V, Kupper噸;在攀岩腳受傷。世界中華骨科。 2013 10月18日, 4 ( 4 ) :218- 228 。
拇趾外翻; NICE中正, 2012年9月
Torkki M, Malmivaara A, Seitsalo S,等;拇外翻:即時操作與1年帶或不帶矯形器等待: 209例患者的隨機對照試驗。物理學骨科SCAND 。 2003四月; 74(2) :209- 15 。
Debnath說英國, Hemmady的MV ,哈里哈蘭K表; 【適應症】用於與第一蹠趾關節鏡技術。踝關節詮釋。 2006年12 , 27 ( 12 ) :1049 - 54 。
採用微創技術拇外翻手術矯正; NICE的介入治療指南( 2010年2月)
法拉利Ĵ ,希金斯太平紳士,在此之前的TD ;干預治療拇外翻( abductovalgus )和拇趾囊腫。科克倫數據庫系統牧師2004年( 1 ) : CD000964 。

1359 ( V24 ) © EMIS

PatientPlus articles are written by UK doctors and are based on research evidence, UK and European Guidelines. They are designed for health professionals to use, so you may find the language more technical than thecondition leaflets.

Synonyms: hallux abductovalgus, bunion

The problem is lateral deviation of the great toe so as to put a valgus deformity on the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. A deviation of 15-20° is considered abnormal. This deviation upsets the biomechanics of the foot. It may cause subluxation of the first MTP joint and the great toe may even overlap the second toe.

Lateral subluxation produces a prominence on the metatarsal head (bunion) often followed by the development of a fluid-filled bursa. This becomes painful as it rubs against the shoe.

It is helpful to consider this, as correction of the biomechanical factors may prevent excessive pronation and progression of the deformity:

  • When walking, the hallux and digits stay parallel to the long axis of the foot. This is true generally regardless of how pronated or abducted the forefoot is.

  • The pull of the conjoined adductor tendon, extensor hallucis longus, and flexor hallucis longus tendons ensures that the hallux and digits remain parallel.

  • Displacement of the joint gives the tendons mechanical advantage and this displaces the joint further. As this occurs, tension is created on the medial aspect of the joint (with compression laterally).

  • Medial tension causes ligaments to pull and cause the bone to proliferate on the dorsomedial aspect of the first metatarsal head.

  • Lateral tension causes the sesamoid apparatus to stick in a dislocated position laterally.

  • Remodelling occurs laterally and medially and this affects joint cartilage.

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  • Bunions are common but the exact prevalence of bunions is unknown.

  • There is often a significant family history.

  • Women are more often affected than men.

  • The incidence and prevalence is lower in children and increases with age.

Because the risk factors affect both feet, the condition is usually bilateral, although it may be more marked on one side than the other.

Risk factors

  • Footwear affects the incidence of hallux valgus:[1]

    • The incidence is lower in adults who do not wear shoes. However, this does not mean that the footwear causes the condition.

    • Tight shoes can cause pain and nerve entrapment in association with hallux valgus. Fashionable shoes can be too tight and too narrow, to 'flatter the foot'.

    • High heels force the foot down into the shoe and this further aggravates the problem. However, it is worth noting that footwear problems are not limited to thededicated followers of fashion.

    • A study from Australia found that old people often wear tight and inappropriate footwear, especially older women.[2]

  • There is higher incidence of hallux valgus in women. Footwear may account for this.

  • Dancers put a great deal of stress through the first MTP joint but it is unlikely that dancing causes bunions.[3]

  • There is also a higher incidence recorded in rock climbers.[4]

There are specific causes of biomechanical instability, including neuromuscular conditions. It may be associated with arthritis of various forms. These associated diseases include:

Presentation is usually as a result of pain, although the condition is also unsightly. Pain is usually progressive and may have been present for many years. The frequency or duration of pain may have recently started to increase, and activity may exacerbate the pain.


  • A patient may present with a deep or sharp pain in the hallux MTP joint on walking, and exacerbation during particular activities. This suggests degeneration of the intra-articular cartilage.

  • There may be an aching pain in the metatarsal head due to irritation by shoes. There may be a recent increase in the size of the deformity or medial bump.

  • Ask about limitation of physical or daily living activities to understand the severity of the pain. Ask what relieves the pain. It may be simply removing shoes.

  • There may be a history of trauma or inflammatory arthritis.

  • A rarer presentation is burning pain or tingling in the dorsal aspect of the bunion, which indicates entrapment neuritis of the medial dorsal cutaneous nerve.

  • The patient may also describe symptoms caused by the deformity, such as a painful overlapping second toe, interdigital keratosis, or ulceration to the medial metatarsal head, without complaint of the bunion deformity.


Examine the foot whilst bearing weight, although much of the examination will have to be performed whilst not weight bearing. Watch the patient walk. This will indicate the degree of pain and difficulty that the problem causes and abnormal gait may point to a contributory factor or be the result of the condition.

  • Note the position of the hallux relative to the other toes. It may be overriding, under-riding or abutting the next toe. Distortion of the joint may occur in more than one plane.

  • Note the medial prominence of the joint. Erythema or bursa indicates pressure from shoes and irritation.

  • Note the range of movement of the hallux MTP joint. Normal dorsiflexion is 65-75° with plantar flexion less than 15°. Note if pain, crepitation, or both are present. Pain without crepitation suggests synovitis.

  • Note any keratosis that suggests abnormal friction from abnormal gait.

  • Associated deformities may include second digit hammertoes and flexible or rigid flat foot. Instability of the second digit may allow a more rapid progression of hallux valgus, as it is unable to act as an adequate lateral buttress.

  • With the patient standing note any:

    • Increase of hallux abduction in the transverse and frontal planes.

    • Increase in medial prominence.

    • Change in dorsiflexion of the joint.

Also, note the general condition of skin and peripheral pulses. If surgery it to be contemplated it is imperative that peripheral blood flow be adequate for healing.

X-ray will show the degree of deformity and may indicate subluxation of the joint.

In an elderly patient in whom an operation is considered, routine investigations are required to assess suitability for operation.

Patients should be given appropriate information and advice about hallux valgus.[5] Advice should include the following:

  • Wear appropriate shoes (low, wide-fitting shoes).

  • Wear shoes with laces or an adjustable strap.

  • Avoid tight-fitting shoes.

  • Understand that bunions are progressive and that non-surgical treatments alleviate symptoms but do not limit progression.

  • The most important indication for surgery is pain, not deformity, although there will often be concern about the appearance of the deformed joint.


Analgesics, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, may reduce pain and make the condition more bearable.

A steroid injection into the joint may give some relief of pain and inflammation.

Nondrug conservative treatment

There is no evidence of long-term benefit from physiotherapy.

Orthotics may provide some relief by tending to correct some of the other associated deformities.


The result of conservative management is so poor that surgery may be an attractive option. Surgery may be delayed without an adverse effect on the final outcome, although pain and patient satisfaction are improved with early operation.[6]

Indications for surgery:

  • A painful joint.

  • Deformity of the joint complex.

  • Pain or difficulty with footwear, inhibition of activity or lifestyle, and associated foot disorders that can be caused by this condition.

Associated foot disorders include:

  • Neuritis or nerve entrapment.

  • Overlapping or underlapping an adjacent toe.

  • Hammer toes.

  • Hallux metatarsocuneiform joint exostosis.

  • Sesamoiditis.

  • Ulceration.

  • Inflammatory conditions, such as bursitis or tendonitis of the first metatarsal head.

Contra-indications to surgery:

  • Peripheral arterial disease.

  • Active infection.

  • Active osteoarthropathy.

  • Septic arthritis.

  • Lack of pain or deformity.

  • Lack of compliance.

  • Age alone should not be seen as a contra-indication but it is often associated with other significant medical conditions.

  • Other disease, especially of the cardiovascular or respiratory system, that puts the patient at risk during the procedure.

Operative options: there are a large number of surgical options and the choice of procedure will depend upon the precise nature of the problem. It is usually a combination of bone and soft tissue surgery.

The simplest is the removal of the bony prominence (exostectomy). Alternatively, Keller's arthroplasty involves creating a flexible joint by excision of the medial eminence of the metatarsal head together with some of the proximal phalanx. Arthrodesis of the joint may be considered. Replacement of the joint for hallux valgus or hallux rigidus is a more recent option. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has given the procedure a cautious welcome.

Arthroscopy is rarely indicated in this joint and less invasive arthroscopic surgery is unlikely to be helpful for hallux valgus.[7] NICE guidance on minimal access techniques acknowledges that less invasive techniques may be attractive to patients but need further evaluation.[8]

Complications include delayed healing of the incision, osseous malunion or non-union, nerve damage, haematoma, failure of a prosthesis, displacement of the osteotomy, delayed suture reaction, cellulitis, osteomyelitis, avascular necrosis, limitation of joint motion, hallux varus, and recurrence.

In addition to this are the risks associated with all surgery, especially if the patient is elderly. This includes venous thromboembolism.

The outlook is highly variable, as is that of the patients who are treated. Hence there is a shortage of adequate trials to compare the outcomes of the various forms of treatment. A Cochrane review found very little good evidence on which to assess either conservative or operative treatments.[9]

Correction of the biomechanical factors may prevent excessive pronation and progression of the deformity. Judicious footwear may help prevent progression in some, but not all, cases.

Further reading & references

  1. Perera AM, Mason L, Stephens MM; The pathogenesis of hallux valgus. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011 Sep 7;93(17):1650-61. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.H.01630.

  2. Menz HB, Morris ME; Footwear characteristics and foot problems in older people. Gerontology. 2005 Sep-Oct;51(5):346-51.

  3. Kennedy JG, Collumbier JA; Bunions in dancers. Clin Sports Med. 2008 Apr;27(2):321-8. doi: 10.1016/j.csm.2007.12.004.

  4. Schoffl V, Kupper T; Feet injuries in rock climbers. World J Orthop. 2013 Oct 18;4(4):218-228.

  5. Bunions; NICE CKS, September 2012

  6. Torkki M, Malmivaara A, Seitsalo S, et al; Hallux valgus: immediate operation versus 1 year of waiting with or without orthoses: a randomized controlled trial of 209 patients. Acta Orthop Scand. 2003 Apr;74(2):209-15.

  7. Debnath UK, Hemmady MV, Hariharan K; Indications for and technique of first metatarsophalangeal joint arthroscopy. Foot Ankle Int. 2006 Dec;27(12):1049-54.

  8. Surgical correction of hallux valgus using minimal access techniques; NICE Interventional Procedure Guideline (February 2010)

  9. Ferrari J, Higgins JP, Prior TD; Interventions for treating hallux valgus (abductovalgus) and bunions. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(1):CD000964.

Disclaimer: This article is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. EMIS has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions. For details see ourconditions.

Original Author:
Dr Richard Draper
Current Version:
Peer Reviewer:
Dr John Cox
Last Checked:
Document ID:
1359 (v24)